Am looking out at a wonderful world of white, and that's a fantabulous start to a new day. Don't think we got as much as predicted. The little girl in me can't help but giggle when I think how fragile our society has become in one lifespan. Schools close nowadays if there's an inch of snow on the ground. Oh, well, it's unfair to compare the past to the present. So many variables concerned.
Maybe that's my biggest problem. I'm inclined to cling to how things used to be and fret about the way things are now. I'm certainly smart enough to realize that life is a flowing river. Today flows away and a new today takes its place. Imagine when a person hangs on to a today that existed over fifty years ago. That's nuts.
As my readers can tell, my mind is working through a thicket of tangled branches. It's sort of like the crescendo in music...the gradual building of intensity and sound. What it all boils down to is very deep and personal. We can't be expected to understand why others do the things they do. It's that business of so many variables. The most difficult part of aging, for me, is how I've been tossed to the side of the road like I never mattered. Maybe that's part of the Divine Plan. If we no longer matter to anyone (other than our spouses), then when it comes time to leave this world, it's easier for us. This is pretty deep, and it's exposing an open wound for all the world to see.
Sometimes my posts tend to get fairly deep and heavy. When they do, I notice no one leaves comments, and that's okay. This blog is a story of my life, and if I don't share reality, then it's simply a masked bit of fiction that ends up being meaningless. Why paint a pretty picture on a crappy canvas?
I read as the years go by, we shed our roles. When we lose the roles we were emotionally committed to, there remains a hole, leaving us to wonder where our significance is now. Guess life presents us each with a new set of challenges at each new stage of life.
Another thing we all must remember is that we older ones know what it's like to be young, whereas younger people don't know what it's like to be old. "Although we are able to access vivid memories of our original experiences, we mostly rely on integrated memories, which are shaped by our present perspective."
Speaking of my blogs being a story of my life, it's my joy to share a photo of my last printed book of the 2022 daily posts. On the front cover is a photo of a prism, and on the back cover is a photo of polka dots. The NY publishing company does a stellar job of printing for us bloggers.Guess it's time to head to the kitchen and put together a salad for lunch. Am reading my book, but the print is light and difficult for me to read. Am using a pair of cheaters to magnify the words. It's a challenging book. It's confusing, because the author named his characters using the same first letter, like Aureliano, Amaranta and Arcadio. Sometimes I make written notes to differentiate the characters so I keep them straight. We do what we must do.