Why is time fleeting like this? How is it possible that already it's mid-January? Wasn't it just Christmas???
First, to report on our nacho party gathering. Before our guests arrived, I posted a sign on our unit door saying, Enter at Your Own Risk. That generated giggles right off the bat. Our 8-some reunited with laughs, we sipped and supped. Three of the guests had lived in Texas, and when they saw our nacho bar they reacted with excitement, "This is like being back in Texas!" A super-duper-diddy-dandy succcess. But, how can a party be anything but great when the people themselves are the best of the best.
Friday, the day after, we were lounge lizards. Nibbled on leftovers and spent the day loving little Cuddy. Yesterday, Saturday, we did pretty much the same. Late afternoon, Venny's computer technician stopped over, and we had a wonderful visit with him. Tis a small world. The boyfriend knows his girlfriend and his mother. He revived my admiration for a younger generation after he told us about how he started his business and how it's grown. A lot of personal effort and old-fashioned gumption. We're blessed to have someone like him looking after our internet network.
Today we're getting company. Our niece and husband are coming over. Dale has a batch of his famous chili on the stove. I borrowed a chocolate cake mix from my buddy downstairs and made that. Will dolly it up with caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, cool whip and chopped pecans. Have appetizers ready to pop in the oven.
A tad gloomy outdoors. At 4:30 this morning the fuzz bucket was thirsty, so we got up. He wanted to sleep the remainder of time in his bed in the living room. So, I brought my pillow out and slept by him on the couch.
Our doorbell rang yesterday, and one of the gals handed us a plate of freshly-baked cookies that were still warm. OMG. Talk about delish. I'm here to say that I have zero-nada willpower when it comes to food. They say our tastebuds die as we age, like go from 30,000 down to 10,000. I'm thinking mine are wired wrong and are increasing. Two vices have I: food and computer.
That's it for this morning. The boyfriend is looking at me with wonderment, like when are you going to come and help me get ready for our guests. It does him good to steer the ship. I'd probably plow us into an iceberg!
Ta-ta till the morrow.