Thursday, January 5, 2023


Each year my blogs are printed into a hard-cover book.  The NY company that publishes these blogger books tossed out a 50% discount for the first five days of January 2023.  This chick made sure she scrambled together the necessary data and what would have cost $158, cost $82 with shipping.  In this edition will be all the blogs under the name Prisms and Polka Dots.  

The boyfriend went to his routine doctor's appointment and will pick up the ingredients for the veggie pizza we'll be taking to our belated Christmas G-clan gathering this coming Sunday.  We have a sitter lined up for Cuddy, so we'll be good to go.  

Gotta tell about last night.  It was 2 o'clock when we were going to bed last night, and Cuddy was sound asleep in his bed in the living area.  Rather than wake him, I decided to sleep on the couch near to him.  Well, the lights went off and I checked to see he was still sleeping.  The little stinker had gotten up and was waiting to go to bed in the bedroom.  So, that's what we did.  It's amazing how our pet children are creatures of habit.  That's how they are able to live with and alongside us.  When the routine gets out of sync, so do they.  Regardless, we both got a good night's sleep, and he stayed in bed the whole rest of the night.

Snow fell overnight.  The parking lot and streets are already plowed and cleared.  The world looks very peaceful from my little corner.  We still have the lighted garland by the telly, and the lights look pretty.  Never can have too much light, especially when it's in color.  

Last night's dishes are in the sink, so will put them in the dishwasher before tackling my family photo project.  I'm making a list of the projects that I want to accomplish this year.  That way I can cross them off, one by one, and salute myself for jobs well done.  I'm proficient in's so easy for me to rationalize putting things off for another day.  Hopefully having a chart will be a helpful discipline.