Friday, January 6, 2023


How can it be Friday already?  Not that it matters to my existence, but it seems Friday comes around a whole lot faster now than when we were working.   The day is overcast, but lighter than the last few days.  Winter white is back again, except the snow on our deck is gone.  

Slept late again....went to bed at 2 a.m.  Am still hooked on the Patty Mayo bounty hunter videos.  With YT, one's mind stretches out in more directions than I thought possible.  Anytime new life situations enter my brain, I'm wowed by what I see.  If we don't see what other people's lives are like, then we think theirs is just like ours.

There's one part of our society that is sort of mind-boggling, and that is hoarding.  Some homes are absolutely stuffed with stuff.  Oh, sure, I'm the first to joke about my messy bessy corner, but that's only a stack of papers, a few books, and one or two of my spoon rings laying around.  Hoarder's homes make ours look like it's null and void of stuff.  Migod, how the world has changed.  Goes to show just how materialistic the western world is.  Our ancestors came to America in the mid-1800s with their life possessions packed inside a trunk. 

Have watched the hoarder shows on the telly, and the people who suffer with this condition get upset when a crumpled piece of paper is put into a garbage bag.  The human condition is unique in 8 billion ways.  The sad part of life today is that our minds are set to see the world from our eyes only.  That's why there's the great divide among us.  I'm of the belief that the more we can introduce our minds to, the more flexible we become in our opinions.  For my personal benefit, the greatest words ever spoken were THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.  It's been my way to kick the walls of the box out and think far outside its boundaries.  Back in the old country, this type of person was known as a Free Thinker.

There are 7 ways to know if you are a free are always questioning; you love to read, you value logic, you're spiritual/not religious, you admit what you don't know. you enjoy a good debate, you are open-minded, and you ignore the media.  

Its difficult being the only free thinker in any relationship.  It's like being the black sheep in the family.  Trust me, I know.  When we raised sheep on the farm, I always loved the rare black one more than the others.  We had something in common, and we both knew it.

Our society has grown insanely judgmental.  Social media venues make it very easy to slam and slaughter another person with words that cannot be taken back, or forgiven for that matter.  The words of hate that are screamed at another, well, those words become the screamer's fingerprint.  Like they say, you can't change the spots on a leopard.   I don't think any of us can escape this world without being on the receiving end of a hateful person.  Not everyone is willing to wear their life on their sleeve like I do.  Why paint a picture to deceive or impress?  Those of us who are filled with love cannot deal with the person filled with hate.  When it comes from a family member, at first it's disbelief, then gradually changes to acceptance.  There's only one viable option at that point, and that is to refuse to hate back and simply let go. Kinda like letting go of the string tied onto a helium balloon.