Monday, February 28, 2022


With what's happening in Ukraine at this moment, the consensus in our household is......thank heaven we are as old as we are.  

Can remember reading history books about the 1940s and how a mad man did despicable things to humanity and wondered why nobody did anything to stop him.  Honestly, am finding myself wondering the same thing now.  How can a few negotiators sit in suits around a table discussing what to do while innocent civilians are being killed, wounded and all the other despicable things that are happening.  The good thing about this mess is how it's uniting the rest of the world.  

On a calmer note......have started crocheting the valance.  The boyfriend went to WM and bought a spring tension rod, which will be perfect.  Now I can design the valance accordingly.  Took a picture of me crocheting the base chain.  It's fun to have a before and after picture.  Am working with Sugar & Cream thread and a size H hook.  The pattern will be a combination of the V stitch and the fan stitch.  

The weather here today was close to perfect for the last day of February.  The little man spent awhile laying out on the deck in the sun.  

Looking out into the field across the way, can see a few deer coming out to eat.  

Supper tonight is Subway sandwiches.  Took the Subway ad in for the special buy one and get one free.  Well, let me say it's the typical bait and switch caper.  Am going to do what I love doing, and that is writing to the company and complain.  When I did that with Red Lobster, they sent us a $30 gift certificate.  Of course, one has to have receipt number and adequate reason for the complaint.  Will see what happens with Subway.  It's the principle.  There's so much deceit in our world, and few people take the step to actually complain.  Not this girl.  Stay tuned.

Tis happy hour, so will sip my toddy.  Am having a vodka gimlet with olives.  Multiple olives.  (giggle)

Sunday, February 27, 2022

TA DA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The photo doesn't do justice to the Boho beaded curtain now hanging in our bedroom window.  When the sun shines, all four walls and ceiling dance with rainbows and polka dots......

After we hung the 36-strand curtain, the remaining beads were put away.  No more beading for a while.  Am beaded out.    

The next project is crocheting a valance for our patio doors.  Will create my own pattern, simple and minimal.  Am deciding what kind of rod to use, and my inclination is to go with the spring-loaded rod that doesn't require pounding of nails.  Don't think the valance with be gathered.  Want it to be sweet and subtle.  

So it is that Sunday is upon us once more.  Think we'll kick back and obey the age-old rule of no work on Sunday.  A Venny friend gave me a large hard cover book of Sherlock Holmes mysteries, and the little voice inside my head keeps nudging me toward reading.  Three Advil have relieved the pain in my lower back, so am good to go.  


Saturday, February 26, 2022


Am still finding it difficult to write daily posts about my life, when there are innocent refugees fleeing their homes and country because of a tyrant.  Am keeping close watch on live streams to keep me in the know.  When one grows older and retires from the work force, a sea of time opens to follow the dangerous threats to freedom and the free world.  

There's a 90th birthday party at Venny this afternoon.  Being we have our winter guest, we won't be attending.  We'll give the lady a card and personal note.  She's a popular lady, so imagine the crowd will be plentiful without us.  

Want to share another photo sent by Cuddy's parents.  They know I'm a lover of seashells, so they sent me this photo of a sand seashell they came across while walking the beach.....

One must find ways to incorporate our world's beauty amid the ruthless insanity that seems rampant in 2022.  A simple sand seashell tells of a creative soul who left behind their amazing artistic talent.  This photo is enough to lift my spirits to the place where Mother Nature still outweighs all else.  

Friday, February 25, 2022


Three inches of snow fell slowly yesterday and last night.  So pretty as it gracefully fell.  Intriguing how in one part of the planet our life is peaceful, while in another part, the world is being shattered.  My prayers continue for the people of Ukraine.

Spent the day studying the countries of Europe and Asia and where Russia fits into the mix.  It's important to familiarize oneself with the location of countries, because that puts into perspective the serverity of the current situation.  

The fuzzy one's parents sent pictures of palm tree nurseries in Florida.  Never knew there were such things.   Who knew there were some 40 different types of palm trees.  One of my late-life joys is seeing what's out in the world through other eyes.  Traveling is no longer on our priority list, so how blessed to receive photos from others telling about their experiences.  

There are lots of ways to learn about our world, and my aim is to make the best of all.  People who travel can be gifts to those of us who no longer care to do so.  Sharing is caring.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


May these virtual candles burn as prayers for the people of Ukraine.  Prayer puts positive energy into the universe.  It's a way for us to help innocent victims of global power and ruthless aggression.  

One's heart finds it challenging to write about anything remotely related to humor and silliness today.  Think my attention will focus on YT livestreams, like the one showing Ukrainians with suitcases fleeing Ukraine into Poland.   This photo is a live screen shot.....

 One can't help but wonder about the memories of this moment the little girl will carry inside her mind for the rest of her life.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Just put the completed beaded lamp shade on the vintage lamp in our bedroom.  This is definitely another merit badge in my quest for putting beauty in the broken.  Am calling it quits for today, tomorrow will put away the beads and close the curtain on the beading work.

Had a very nice day, a call from my cuz made it oh so special.  Lots going on in the world, and this evening the PM of Canada rescinded his declaration of the emergency act.  Ukraine has just announced their emergency situation.  

Today the date is officially set for the St. Patty's Day Party we're having at our house for our Venny 6-some.  Think we're going to make a traditional Irish meal.  Have been online looking for recipes.  We're invited out for another 6-some dinner on the 19th, so there's gonna be a lot of March partying.  Hope we all stay healthy.  

Last night for supper we had hard-shell tacos with all the toppings.  Tonight we're having fried rice and stir fry.  Dale had a garden meeting this morning down in the workshop.  Time to think spring.  Unfortunately, our master gardener passed away this year, and now his contributions are glaringly obvious.  Every spring he started tomato plants for everyone.  All we had to do was tell him what kind, and he'd start 'em under lights in the workshop.  His work in the flower gardens now has to be done by other Venny volunteers.  Interesting how all things work out.....a lady moved in who has stood up and taken charge of the refurbishing of the garden plot project.  

Ta-ta for today. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 Time to go to confession.

Okay, here's how this morning played out.  While the boyfriend takes the fuzzy one outside potty every morning, my job is to fire up Mr. Coffee.  This morning when Dale went to fill his cup, there was no coffee in the glass coffee pot.  Of course, I hear this laugh as he's lifting the lid to check on the water situation.  Wouldn't you know it, the coffee was in the paper filter, but I'd forgotten the water.  Even though his thoughts weren't spoken out loud, I knew darned well he was questioning my mental situation.  Probably thinking maybe I'm on my way out, who knows.

These blurbs are known as senior moments.  Whatever they are, one does stop to pause and can't help but wonder why I did such a dumb thing.  It's kind of like going in another room for something, getting in that room, and having no clue why one is there.  The dumbest thing this girl did when we were still living back home was putting a new pkg of pantyhose in the refrigerator as I was unpacking a WM sack.  

When we're young, these moments are funny.  They're anything but funny now, although my approach is to either laugh or stay silent.  This morning I chose to say nada word.  It's kinda like there's an elephant in the house but nobody's saying a word about it.

A light snow fell earlier.  A haze has settled in.  Good day to stay indoors.  My goal today is to finish the beaded lamp shade, place it on the lamp itself and call one of my projects finished.  The lamp shade initially seemed like an easy job, but one learns only by doing.  The only way to sum up my experience is to say that it's the one and only one this girl's ever gonna make.  

Today is a very unique date.....2-22-2022.....have the alarm set for 2:20 so we don't miss 2:22 of 2-22-22.  Isn't it cool that Twos Day happens on a Tuesday?

Monday, February 21, 2022

Yowza, the world is a wobbly place right now.  Was watching the Canadian Parliament debating the emergency act.  It never stops baffling me how the PM continues to evade answering direct questions.  

As a matter of record for my book of blogs, America is about to witness a trucker convoy of our own.....people are sick and tired of standing by watching our country go down the drain.  The truckers are the bloodline of the world.  Without them, we don't eat, we don't have our prescription drugs, medical supplies, we have nothing.  People are being forewarned to have groceries and essentials ahead, should the truckers be tending to the business of protesting.  It's gonna take the heart of our nation to tackle the heart of the problems.

It's interesting how we all have our own different ways of looking at things.  What one person labels as "fear," the next person labels as "being smart."  Just because a person goes out and preps for emergency situations, that doesn't indicate me, that indicates foresight and being responsible for oneself and one's family.

Sounds like there might be a light snowfall heading our way, but only a trace.  The boyfriend went to pick up the order we placed online at Walmart; plus, he has a prescription at the pharmacy to pick up.  Looks a bit windy outside.  My little fuzz bucket is laying beside me, comfy as can be.  We've grown so so so close, don't have a clue how we'll relinquish him to his owners next month.  Think next week we may treat him to another day at the spa.....have his groomer give him a bath to freshen him up.  We treat him as though he were our very own.  

Nothing else newsworthy in my world.  Having leftover spaghetti for supper.  Wish we didn't have to watch our carb intake.  Otherwise, think I might go bake a cake or a pie.  About the closest thing we have to a dessert is sugar-free apple sauce and diced peaches in their own juice, no sugar added.  Sometimes I watch those shows where individuals weigh 600 to 700 to 800 pounds.  Man, that could be me if dieting wasn't always a part of my life.  After all the years, must admit to being frustrated by the continual deprivation.  At one time, I worked with a female who didn't like to eat.  She ate to live.....while, I lived to eat.  The two of us never got along.  

A V-formation of Canadian Geese just flew by.  Last night nine deer were out front of Venny, then walked up in the open field. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022


Have been on a green olive kick.  Don't ask me why. 

My Daddy was the only one in our family of four who liked olives.  Remember him saying a person had to eat ten of them before they liked 'em.  Well, me and daddy were connected at the hip, so I'm here to say he and I were the two B's who liked olives.  

First, olives are salty.  All the hype about salt has me confused.  Know for a fact that a sore throat can be healed by gargling salt water.  Have done it many times.  

A bit of research leads me to some interesting data......

➤Olives are an antioxidant-rich food.  

➤Olives have a negative calorie load, which means one burns more calories digesting an olive than one gains eating an olive.

➤By eating a daily serving of healthy olives one can help improve cognitive function, brain health and memory.  

➤Olives are anti-inflammatory and have anti-cancer properties.

There are alot of foods available to us, and for that we are incredibly fortunate.  All of us have our preferences and dislikes.  Like with all else.  It's a fun memory for me, after all these years, to remember daddy and me being the olive lovers in the B-family.  Little things keep us connected to those who came before us, but continue to live inside our hearts.  Can't ever eat an olive without thinking of my Daddy!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

 Another day devoted to YT live streamer amazing human being bringing history into our it happens.....raw.  

The one word shouted throughout these 23 days of the protest is FREEDOM.  Freedom of choice.  It's a privilege for me to watch a historic event such as this as it is actually happening, with no bias attached.

Streets of Ottawa, Canada 
Live streamed a few minutes ago

Is this really Canada?
Pay attention to what's going on there!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Watching what's happening to our neighbors to the north has given me a headache.  I've vowed not to commit to anything controversial on my site, and, for that reason, will simply say my head hurts from it all.

A few snowflakes are flying around, can barely see 'em.  The boys are outside for a few minutes, and the five o'clock hour is upon us.  Have no news, other than the lamp shade strands are finished.  Only finishing touches left.  


Thursday, February 17, 2022


Am spending my days watching raw live streams from Ottawa.  History happening.  Was a rainy day up there, and now toward evening the rain has turned into snow.  They're expecting twelve inches.  Put the snow alongside the suspense of the situation, and that makes for quite the drama.  When talking about how our world is rigidly divided in our opinions, he eloquently put it in these words.....It's like we're living in two parallel realities, with no room in between.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The six-some Valentine's dinner was ever so wonderful, feasting on grilled salmon, baked potatoes, asparagus spears with Swiss cheese sauce, and for dessert chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream with homemade cashew cookies.  Delicious and delightful.

Without getting deep in global situations, must say that our northern neighbors are the focus of the world.  The Freedom Convoy has ignited the fight for freedom everywhere.   The next while ought to be interesting, and I'm gonna be on top of the developments as they unfold.  The traditional, legacy news media is no longer trustworthy, but we have live streams with on-the-spot unbiased coverage.  

We're a lazy household today and make no bones about it.  Think I'll ring the recess bell and declare it a play day.  

Monday, February 14, 2022


This guy was sitting outside our door this morning.  Thought I'd die laughing.  Knew instantly who the bestowers were.  OMG, we do have our share of fun out here.  Made a phone call to express our gratitude and had a bunch of laughs.  In my world, there is nothing more valuable than a sense of humor, teasing and light-hearted bantering back and forth.  

With that said, may I wish all my faithful followers a Happy Valentine's Day.  The boyfriend and I are invited down the hall for drinks and dinner starting at 5.  Cuddy is specially invited, and for kicks, am going to take this newest member of the family with us.  The six of us are a fun bunch, and paying forward a few giggles is right up my alley.

Don't have any idea what to name this questionably handsome fellow.  The name Ansel came to mind.  Ansel the Ape.  The only other Ansel I'm aware of is the famous environmentalist and photographer, Ansel Adams.  Pretty sure that's gonna be his name.  

Honestly, Ansel is so ugly, he's cute.  Had no idea what to write about this morning.  Proof that life opens itself up for us.  Never know what's around the corner.  

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Will cheer for the Bengals, only because the boyfriend chose the Rams.  No bets placed, so my interest is minimal.  Other years, when some big bets were secretly made, I nervously, and silently, sweat blood while watching a game I didn't even understand.  Remember the first time Dale wondered why I was acting so enthused about the Super Bowl, and that's when I confessed my bets.  Following the game, I spent time in prayer cuz MY team won.   

Saturday, February 12, 2022


Together we picked out new frames for the boyfriend's new glasses.  That's always a challenge, especially now that our optometrist no longer allows patients to take sample frames home, because of Covid.  The gal who assisted was most helpful, and it was she who found the pair he ended up ordering.  

While we were doing that, Cuddy went down the hall to stay with Bob and Sharon.  Gotta share a picture of him laying on his new little blanket and pillow that Sharon made special for little Fuddy Duddy Cuddy Buddy.  

Cuddy is Loved 

Picked up our online order at the grocery store.  Man alive, the prices are going skyward.  The boyfriend's interest is piqued weekly by the meat ads, and this week's Valentine's specials about knocked him off his recliner......

Wagyu Filets 8 oz. cut is specially priced one cent less than $50 for 8-oz.  That's $100 per pound on sale.  Wagyu sells for as high as $200 per pound.  Our first question is.....who buys this expensive steak in this part of the country?  Obviously, there are those who do or the stores wouldn't offer it.

This gets my curiosity fired up, so did a bit of research.  First, "Wagyu" means "Japanese Cow," referring to four unique breeds of purebred cattle.  This classification was established in 1944.  Cross-breeding with other cattle varieties is prohibited.  These four breeds emerged by cross-breeding with cattle mostly from Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s. 

Regulations are incredibly strict to ensure the quality of the beef is consistently excellent.  There's a grading and tracking system used to monitor Wagyu cattle.  Each cow is identified with a nose print and a unique 10-digit Cattle ID number that can be used to research date of birth, lineage, farm and other details.
The highest grade of Japanese Wagyu beef is A5 (A highest to C lowest and 5 highest to 1 lowest).  The grading is determined by marbling, meat color and brightness, firmness and texture, and the color, luster and quality of fat.

After learning about the grading scale, I notice our local restaurant listed their Wagyu 8 oz. Valentine's Special as 100% full blood, with no mention of the grade.  

Bottom line, be sure to ask about the grade of Wagyu offered at a restaurant.   If they don't know, well, that's a concern and one can politely decline to order such an expensive steak without knowing its assigned grade.  For me, it would be a fun way to play into, and with, the spendy and self-indulgent lifestyle.  

Friday, February 11, 2022


Another crazy incident in my world yesterday.  Finished the final strand of my Boho Curtain and immediately went to the bedroom for the small lamp that sits on top of the roll-top desk.  An idea inside my brain was about to unfold into reality.  A Boho Bead Lampshade. 

Wish I'd have taken a picture of the shade before getting out my tools of destruction.  The shade is old and one with six wire dividers from the small top ring to the bottom large ring.  A paring knife made the first slice into the shade, and from there it was scissors and fabric ripper.  Migod, the shade was tightly sewn  and glued to the wire frame, so it had to have been made years ago.  Nothing is made that well these days.

The boys were napping while the lamp surgery was taking place.  About threw the frickin' thing out the window when the last part of the shade came off and all six of the wires collapsed.  Couldn't get the wires to stay in place at one time.  Would get two in and start for the third, when the other two collapsed.  Oh, forgot to mention during the cutting and ripping and peeling, the ripper slipped and went straight into my index finger.  One would've thought I'd cut my aorta the way it bled.  Must've poked through a vein, cuz the bottom of my finger immediately turned blue.  Grown girls shouldn't cry over something like this, so salve and a band aid fixed the wound.  By this time, the boyfriend needed to be awake to help me.

His first assessment was.....get a new lampshade.  First started with fine fishing line to tie the top rim to the bottom rim while the wires went in place.  That failed right off the bat.  Aha.....thread.  Had some thick red thread in my sewing box.  By this time, the boyfriend was seriously questioning my mental health and the need for counseling.  As I said, where there's a will there's a way, and giving up is not an option.  Told him to hold the damned thing while I did the tying.  And, yup, am here to say that it worked.  Have four strands of beads on the lamp shade now and will continue all the way around.  The idea was to have a matching lamp and curtain. 

Have already decided to put the beads away after the lamp is finished.  Next major project is to crochet a valance for our patio doors.  When we lived in our first home, I crocheted kitchen curtains.  When we moved, I thought it would be nice to leave them for the new owner.  One can never go wrong by doing something good, so it's not right that I entertain any regret.  Did a little surfing and found the off-white thread and placed the order.  Think a pattern is already dancing inside my head.  Need a break from the beads.....especially since suffering an injury.  Can't help but wonder how I'll hurt myself with a crochet hook! 

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Benny and Larry
Our late-life home has gradually turned into a gnome home over the past 5-1/2 years.  

Mr. Wiscky (bought him in Wisconsin) is in the entryway holding a welcome sign.  A few of them are naughty is in the guest bathroom, he's bending over with his pants down showing his butt.  Another one is on the burgundy buffet in the living room, and he's smoking pot.  Two playful gnomes are sitting on a see-saw, two mischievous boys are standing beside the gnome home I painted on a clay pot.  Then there's Benny lounging on the scroll-sawed stand that Dale made (shown to the left).  The naughtiest gnome is Larry, and, as you can see, he's peeing on the floor.  (Actually, there's a funny story to Larry, but it's best kept in the family.)  Sometimes I use my gnomes to make a statement about some thing or some one that's bugging me.  

Jimmy, our barefoot gnome
Couldn't resist getting a barefoot gnome, and Jimmy relaxes in a hammock.  Not often does one find a barefoot gnome, and I'm a believer in bare feet.  That's the one element of my childhood that I simply refused to leave behind.  Can remember one time another female looked at my feet and said, "My God, your barefooted."  I looked down at her (she was shorter than me) and replied, "So?"  Good thing she didn't push me another inch, cuz I was ready to use my bare foot to move her to another location.  The free spirit, my gypsy blood, holds true.  There are times when we're about to leave home and the boyfriend has to remind me to put on shoes.

A few snowflakes are floating in the air, just to tease me.  How I'd love an old-fashioned blizzard.  Always enjoy a non-destructive storm of any kind.  Love the sound of thunder and a good ground-soaking rainfall.  

Think today will be the finalizing of my beaded curtain.  Together, the boyfriend and I, have agreed on the spacing between the strands of beads.  Will take the two of us to hang them, and hopefully tomorrow a photo will show the finished project. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Boyfriend left for his eye appointment and the fuzz bucket and I are staying back.  Have had my head wrapped in the 10x10 online game, and it's driving me nuts.  Simply cannot raise my scores.  Maybe don't concentrate enough and think my moves through sufficiently.  Something's wrong, that's obvious.

Sun isn't shining today.  Had a nasty heartbreaking dream/nightmare last night.  Can't seem to get it out of my head, to the point where it's affecting my mood and my day.  Might be in for some snow tomorrow.  Think a nice snowfall would lift my spirits.  Dreams are weird, aren't they?  This one was about someone dying, and boy that really makes a person think just how much some people mean to us.

So many bad things happen every day, that we're all getting accustomed to the number of shootings and other awful rioting and looting and stealing and hatred and mistreatment and on and on and on.  What once was a misdemeanor is now allowed without consequence.  Just scares me to think what the remainder of my years hold in store.  Guess one can't help feel that way.

Kinda strange how I'm just not able to get enthused in the winter Olympics this year.  Haven't a clue why.  In a way, I sympathize with the athletes who are under such unimaginable pressure to out-perform themselves.  One slip and a lifetime of preparation is down the drain.  And, the media is not kind to those who don't make an A++++ game.  There's something to be said about the rest of us who are barely able to stand up on a pair of ice skates.  We can fall, flail and look ridiculous, and no one thinks a thing of it.  From my simple perspective, the global competition has gotten beyond brutal, but perhaps that's what excellence demands.

Life is an intrigue.  With every stage, we see life differently.  If we're blessed with a long life, we get to see and feel life from all angles.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 Accidentally came across a new online global game called WORDLE.  Here's a link to a YouTube video that tells exactly how to play.  Rather than me explaining how this game works, best is for everyone to watch this short video.

For sure, am hooked on Wordle.  First try, and got the right word.  Used a pencil and paper to track the letters.  For me, visual is critical.  If any of my followers love words, crosswords, jumbles, word searches, etc., this might be a fun thing for us to look forward to doing every day.  

Last night watched some vlogs about people building tiny houses and living off the grid.  Cannot imagine what some people go through just to make a statement.  To each his own.  Living without electricity sounds cool to do now, but back before electricity was available, well, it wasn't so cool.  Life does go in circles.  Just happy that my circle is as complete as it is.

My roommate made a chicken pot pie last night for supper.  He used a store-bought double pie crust with left-over cooked chicken.  He found a recipe online and followed that.  Am here to say it was sky high over the moon delicious.  Naturally, this little pig went to market for a second piece.  When food is that tasty, the cook should know it's appreciated.  

As for my OMAD Diet (one meal a day), made it for one month.  Have added a noon pick-me-up of celery with chunky peanut butter.  Just too draining not to eat anything for twenty-four hours.  At least am incorporating some semblance of discipline into my salacious affair with food.  Better not whine, there may come a day when my appetite will go away, and that won't be good at all.  

Off to Bead World.......

Monday, February 7, 2022


Spent the morning writing my monthly column for the Venny Newsletter.  Man, but the months go by fast.  Seems it was yesterday my head was wondering what to write about for January.  

It's a pretty sunny day.  Am going to fire up my engine and string beads for my Boho Curtain.  Am thinking ahead of what might be my next project, which will be crocheting a valance to hang above our sliding patio doors.  Refuse to start one big project till the current one is complete.  That's how a person runs into creator's block, where projects become burdens instead of hobbies.  

Dale measured and cut a dowel 29" long for me to measure my bead strands.  Wouldn't you know, the other evening the dowel somehow got under the foot rest of my electric recliner.  When I put the foot rest down, about five inches of the wooden dowel snapped off.  Frick and frack.  Now have it taped together so it can serve its purpose.  

There's very little anymore that I can't screw up.

Sunday, February 6, 2022


Burj Khalifa
World's Tallest Bldg.
Have been watching YT vlogs about Dubai, home to the world's tallest building and the largest shopping mall in the world.  Inside the mall is the world's largest indoor aquarium.  Dubai is home to the longest fully automated metro in the world, serving some 180,000 passengers a day.  The Palm Jumeirah is the world's largest man-made island.  
Man-made Palm Island

The main theme is world's largest and best of everything.  One can even order a gold cappuccino.....the gold coffee is made of 24-carat gold blended into espresso, using 100% Arabian coffee beans.

The crime rate in Dubai is at 1%, due to the harsh penalties that apply for even small offenses.  The police force uses the latest crime detection and prevention technologies.  

The only people allowed to drink alcohol are non-Muslims 21 years and older.  Alcohol is only permitted in licensed premises, as it is illegal to drink in public spaces.  No alcohol is permitted during religious holidays.  Intoxication by alcohol while in Dubai can lead to a jail term or deportation.

Be aware, too, that one can get arrested for taking photos of the locals without their consent and also if one poses in front of a government building.  There's a strict code of conduct for tourists because of the strong Islamic beliefs.

Definitely a place for the richest and most famous of the world.  Glitz and glamour exist in celebratory hotel suites that cost up to $26,000 per night.  The unbelievable part of Dubai is how it's built on a desert.  The turning point of Dubai's fortunes was the discovery of oil in 1966. 

The Frame separates old Dubai from the new.  As one can expect, it's the world's largest picture frame. 

During the summer months, it's like living in a sauna.  Time in the open is kept to an absolute minimum.  Sandstorms are unpleasant.  A fine, powdery dust gets into everything, including homes.  The wind finds cracks under doors and around windows and dust gets in.  Best time to visit is December-February.  

 Note to self:  Do not put this on personal bucket list.

Friday, February 4, 2022


The winter Olympics are in full swing in Beijing, China, which is 13 hours ahead of the Eastern time zone.  We enjoy the winter sports, 'specially downhill skiing and figure skating.

It all happens a world away, yet the events are brought into our homes to enjoy.  Wouldn't dream of traveling anywhere during these uncertain times.  Say whatever, but our world is not a safe place.  Going outside of one's country can have possible implications, should some global event take place.  Last thing I'd want is to be stranded in another country, where their rules apply and would decide one's fate.  

Light snow falling.  Peaceful and pretty.  Perfect for watching the opening ceremonies.  Technology brings light shows of unbelievable proportions.  The Olympics provide a global continuity that is so needed now.  

Thursday, February 3, 2022



Watched "The Backup Plan" on YT yesterday.  Jennifer Lopez stars in the movie, as well as Alex  O'Loughlin.  Both of 'em are so cool, and the plot is funny and not to funny.  Love watching movies at home, rather than the theater.  Without fail, a long-tall Texan with a cowboy hat would choose the seat in front of me.  Either that, or a woman who ratted her hair into a basketball size hairdo.  This required sitting lopsided in the seat, which then screwed up the view for the person behind me.  Anymore, theaters feel like things of the past.  

Ordered our lifetime trout stamps online.  For an extra $5, the licenses are like plastic credit cards.  Will take seven to ten days for them to arrive in the mail, but that's fine.  Saved us a trip to the store.  Seems kinda eerie that we'll never need to get another fishing license or trout stamp again.    

Gotta share another sequence of numbers incident.  Looked randomly at our digital clock yesterday, and guess what time it was.  Yup, 2:22 on 2-2-22.  Now, tell me that's a coincidence?  Nah, don't think so.  What possessed me to look at the clock at that split second?  Hmmmmmm.................

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Woke with a frickin' lower backache, the arthritis letting me know it loves living with me.  Scans have shown this to be the case, so thank you, Mr. Advil, for the relief you bestow.  

Oh, am aware that the medical fields prefer we use Tylenol, but for some reason it just doesn't have the pain-killing punch that Advil does.  Anyway, in my individual case.  Every one of us is different and reacts differently to medications.  Am just thankful there's over-the-counter relief.  

An overcast day here.  Cold, too.  The boys went outside this morning.....that's the only reason I know the temperature.  Have nary the plans to venture outside.  Today most likely will have me stringing the newly arrived unbelievably gorgeous beads on 8-pound-test fishing line.  Have reached into the boyfriend's tackle stash for my crafting supplies, or rather he has.  

Both of us are getting anxious to hit the trout streams this year.  Our state now offers lifetime trout stamps for us wisdom-walkers.  Will check if they're offering it online so we don't have to go anywhere to get 'em.  That way whenever we get the itch we'll be set and ready.  Last year we didn't go out at all.  See where they've done some clearing of brush along the public stream, and there's even park benches for those of us with backaches.  Comfort is my arena from here on out.

Fishing for the two of us is so much fun, cuz we kinda razz one another unmercifully as to who catches the first fish.  It's silly, cuz we bet each other an ice cream cone, so it's a win-win either way.  There's no doubt that the boyfriend far exceeds me in catching trout, but that won't stop me from raising a raucous when I can pull out a fish using my short pink fish pole.  The boyfriend calls it a Barbie pole.....what a slam.  Not only do we enjoy the catching, but also the frying and eating.  The boyfriend does all the messy stuff, but that's his choice as well as mine.  I cleaned enough fish in my childhood to last a lifetime.  

Writing about fish makes me hungry for fish.  Am a seafood lover all the way around.  Give me scallops, lobster, shrimp, Alaskan King Crab, crab cakes......and trout, bluegill, crappie, walleye, northern, perch.....all welcome on my plate.  Two musts that we like with fried fish are potato salad and baked beans.  My Mom made the best potato salad in the entire universe.  Some things are just not replaceable.  

Cuddy and I went to bed early last night.  He wanted to go outside potty at 9 o'clock, so the two of us snuggled in for the night.  He lasted until 8:15 this morning when he wanted down off the bed.  Now the little twink is sound asleep in his bed.  

Looks as though the world hasn't ended, so will carry on with the day.  Our agenda is clear, so it's kick back and do as we please.  Ta-ta.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


First day of February.  Anyone know where January went?  Seems yesterday we were engulfed in Christmas and New Year's, and now everything is hearts, flowers and chocolates for Valentine's Day.  

Yesterday Sharon was over, and I mentioned we'd like to have our usual six-some for a party.  Just as I said it, she offered to have the party at her house.  Maybe I'll take St. Patrick's Day.  

Our get-togethers are so fun. Usually meet around 5, have drinks and snacks, followed by supper and dessert.  Sometimes we order pizzas, other times we make a casserole, spaghetti, whatever is simple.  Last time we were at Sharon's she served her homemade spaghetti sauce.  The kind that's slow-simmered.

This morning put together scalloped potatoes and ham.  The boyfriend's favorite.  He was away at a meeting, so I peeled and cut up the potatoes, cut up the ham, cooked the bechamel sauce and baked it for a couple of hours.  Made a big batch so we can enjoy it for a couple of days.  

Tomorrow is my dear friend Suzie's birthday.  After all the years, will always think about the birthday cake her mother made for her when we were little girls.  She put a plastic doll in the center of an angel food, and the cake was frosted to look like a beautiful skirt.  Had never seen anything like it before.  Can't believe we're the age we are, but don't think either of us lets it really upset us.  Every day is a gift, not just when we're older, but from the minute we're born.  Life gets more serious when the majority of it is over.  It's kinda like savoring that last bite of a candy bar.  Actually, life is a lot like February......short and sweet.