Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Yuppers, my big idea to throw out a World Series bet has cost me $20.  Oh, well, like they say, a fool and his money are soon parted!!!!!  Nah, just kidding, my betting buddy has handed over his share of dollars to me in the past, so this is a return for him.  The Atlanta Braves skunked the Houston Astros 7-0 in last night's game.  

My daddy was a baseball player.  I grew up sitting on the bleachers watching local teams play.  The team players called daddy Chinky or Chink, but never did hear the reason why.  Baseball is one sport I understand.  In high school, remember cheering for our football team, hollering out things like "first in ten, do it again" and had absolutely no idea what it meant. Never liked football, never will.  The only time I'm interested is when I have a bet going.  Maybe my luck has finally run out.

Two Venny gals joined us for supper last night.  Fixed a chicken hot dish, lettuce salad, foccacia bread with butter, and raspberry-blackberry pie topped with Cool Whip and a drizzle of chocolate syrup.  Today we're having leftovers, which are sometimes even better.  The pie was bought at Fareway and mighty delicious.  The only time we have desserts is when we have company over.  For sure we'll be buying this berry pie again.  Was probably one of the best store-bought pies ever.

Solved an annoying problem yesterday.  My Resound hearing aids weren't connecting to my I-phone app for whatever reason.  Deleted the app and reloaded it, yet nothing.  Fiddled around until I decided to call Resound support.  Got the nicest gal on the line, and for about a half hour she gave me instructions what to try.  Then, finally we got 'em connected and working again.  Drives me nuts when something doesn't work, and I can't rest until it's corrected.  Don't wear my ears all the time, only when we go out and are with others.  So embarrassing to have to keep saying, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

There are those who shy away from assistive devices.  Not me.  Am grateful for anything that makes my life easier.  Sooner or later, if we live long enough, we'll need repairs, new parts and help of some sort.  Remember when we were getting our hearing aids, I almost got red ones.  Figured why try to hide em, rather flaunt em and set a positive example for others in the same boat.  Finally opted for the gray to match my hair.