Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Am later than usual.  Right now I'm looking up at the beautiful moon, which I consider to be God's Eye.  If we humans search for some explanation of the unknown, the phenomenon to life, why not grab hold of visible elements that light up our life.  To me, the moon is a precious and most powerful part of my life.

Remember working back with the Juvenile Court.  Officers who were on call over full-moon weekends were assured of many calls.  Never failed.  How the full-moon affects all of us, as well as other creatures of the earth, is another of life's mysteries.  

The editor of our Venny monthly newsletter dropped me an email this morning to see if I have anything for my Along The Way column.  Spent the day putting together a fun Thanksgiving memory.  I like to wait overnight to make edits.  After time lapses, the written glitches become obvious.

Laid in bed till 3 a.m. last night reading.  Honestly, once my brain gets tangled up with an Agatha Christie mystery, am as good as gone.  How in the world one woman could come up with a variety of circumstances, plots, situations, characters, places, historical data, incorporate the French language....well, have never read anything like it.  Thank you, Great Spirit, for steering me toward her writings as my latest project.  

Have another batch of beads soaking in Dawn.  Buying used jewelry requires sanitizing and cleaning every bead.  No way will I give a gift that isn't perfectly clean and shiny.  For me, the cleaning is simply another step of the process.

Heard today of another death in the town where we lived.  Acquaintances are dying like flies.  Makes me want to kick myself in the pants and do something constructive, but all I want to do is read and piss around making sun-catchers.  Migod, if my mother would see me, she'd disown me in a hot second.  Maybe that's why in the back of my mind I feel a titch of guilt for enjoying my life.  Sometimes we balk at the way our younger generations are approaching life, and then I think that maybe it was we who had things all wrong.  Looking back, all the stress, wear and tear, the trying to please others, the b.s., and for what?  We live, we die.  Why were we taught to bust our bums in between?  Don't get me started.

When I was younger, I remember reading about an old lady in the rest home and how she wrote a book in late-late life.  Thought that was ever so cool.  When I think about it, I've been writing now going on 16 years, so I might be just like that little old lady.  But, who's gonna read my writings?  I have all 15 books printed in hard cover, and I'd bet my bottom dollar that if I croaked tonight, not one person would bother reading 'em.  Why do we try so hard?  Guess that's what was instilled, or rather pounded, into our heads when we were little.  

The boyfriend is in the kitchen stirring stuff in the electric wok.  That means that an Oriental supper is on the way.  Asked him what he was fixing, and he said it was a surprise just for me.  Awwwwww...............

Thanksgiving is coming up.  This is my favorite holiday, in that it's focus is on being grateful for what and who we have in our lives.  More than ever before, life is precious.  Friends are precious.  Close relatives who really care are precious.  The list of things I'm grateful for is endless.  Every single one of my readers is on that list, and I pray for each one of you at night before I go to sleep.  I may be a quiet soul, but my heart is extremely deep.

Can't imagine closing my eyes for the last time.