Sunday, November 21, 2021


Gave the boyfriend a haircut this afternoon.  About the only time he behaves is when I'm around him with sharp objects or electric gadgets that could cause bleeding.  

There's a new drive-thru/walk-up coffee shop in town.  On Sunday they feature these humdinger sticky buns.  I'm hearing about 'em, not actually eating 'em.  The mere sight made my butt an inch bigger.  

There may come a Sunday when we break down the barrier and do a drive-thru.  Guess there's a gal in town that does the baking.  

Bought some unsweetened applesauce, so we could have something that resembles a dessert.  Put the little containers in the fridge, but decided it's better room temperature or warm.  

If someone told me I was terminally ill, I'd do a couple of things.....get some cigarettes, a Texas Fifth of Vodka, a bag of lemons, a jar of olives to make gimlets, and then I'd eat five of these sticky buns.  It's not a joke, but one must keep the funny bone lubricated and moving.

Sure's been a windy day.  Leaves were flying like butterflies on the balcony.  The weekend is getting ready to button up.  Gotta be at same-day surgery for the boyfriend's cataract surgery at 6:15 in the morning.  That means setting the siren.  

Hope you enjoyed looking at the sticky buns!  


  1. Those rolls look amazing. Kwik Star has their jelly filled bismarks with the white frosting that I can't resist. And if they have a box sitting there it calls out to me. I look at it this way, if it's there then its God way of telling me take it. So I do. Three in a box and it's very hard for me to not eat all three. I fool myself, if I cut it into six wedges it will last longer but they never do. My weakness. I have this thing for anything bread. Boo Hoo!

  2. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow. I have the appt. tomorrow to dilate my eyes as this summer they said my eyes were rip and I'd know when surgery was necessary, well time has come. Very windy up here on the hill, deliveries are sounding better for the winter! What were our ancestors thinking settling in NE Iowa???

  3. Alice.....what is it about sweet rolls, cinnamon rolls, long johns, and jelly-filled bismarks. There's no way I could've worked in a bakery. Like you say, it's a bread thing. ~L

  4. Mary Ann.....isn't it something how our bodies all deteriorate at the same pace? Dale's surgery took about 20 minutes. Tomorrow morning we see the surgeon. Eye drops for a month. On the 27th he has the other eye done. Another month of drops in that eye. He so wants to get them done in case of a Covid breakout and they quit doing non-essential surgeries. You take care with your eyes, too. It's no fun at all. ~L

  5. P.S. On the 27th of December he has the other eye done.
