Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Short Post

This is a late day posting.  Don't know where the day has gone.  Boyfriend had follow-up appointment with eye doctor.  His vision on the eye is blurry, but that's because of a swelling.  Eye drops will fix this.  We're confident, because I went through the same thing with my last cataract surgery.  All's good.

Took  a trolley after the appointment.  Then went through Culver's drive-thru for hamburgers and fries.  Had what we call a winter picnic in the car.  Then we came back home, to rest and relax for the remainder of our day.

Just finished supper.  Now it's the time of day when we both settle in with our laptops.  

Another horrific school shooting in Michigan today.  Literally makes me sick to think of what our young people have to fear and endure.  All we can do is pray for one another.