Sunday, November 14, 2021


Quite nippy out.  Sky color graduates from a gun metal gray to a light blue-gray.  Football is on the telly, and, as usual, my fingers are turning pages.

Cuddl Duds
A few minutes ago, ordered a Cuddl Duds crew neck and leggings set on eBay.  $20 delivered to my door.  Have three pair in my pajama drawer.  They're perfect for lounging around the house.  Can't remember the last time I pushed a shopping cart up and down the crowded aisles looking for something to wear.  Ordering online is simple, 'specially now with Covid.  Being around others hacking and sneezing, kids sitting in the carts slobbering on the cart handles....omigod, deliver me.  

A person doesn't need as many clothes as when we were going to jobs every day.  My priorities have changed, and the key word to my wardrobe is "stretch."   Can't imagine wearing tight-fitting jeans anymore.  A person had to suck in a deep breath to get the waist buttoned.  Would very much like to salute the inventor of leggings.  They've pretty much taken over my life in ankle length and capris.  Again, it's that stretchable feel that's so appealing.  

Am watching a bunch of crows flying out in the harvested bean field.  Can't help but wonder where the tiny hummingbirds are right now.  Sure do miss 'em.  


  1. Went for my walk it was 34 degrees with 14 mph wind brrrr felt like 25 so my local weather channel said. Just knew it was damn cold. Maybe I should invest in cuddle dues or a snow suit. I need sun!

  2. Oh, Alice, you'd luv Cuddl Duds. First time I got them was when I found two pair of brand new ones, still wrapped, for $5 each at a garage sale. Holy Moses, that hooked me. The ones I like are the Climate Right. Don't own a dress anymore. Am gonna hit the incinerator when I croak, so don't have to put aside an my mother did. Bought her a jacket once, and she liked it so much she never wore it. She used to say she was saving it for when she went for her pie in the sky!!!!! She was a corker.

  3. Oh funny! I do the same thing. I buy and then save and maybe in a year or two I will dig it out and start wearing it. I have a brand new pea coat that I've never worn. I've had it for must be going on 5 or 6 years now. I don't know why I do these things?????? I have a new pair of PJ's I got last year and they are still in the bag. I can't figure myself out, who can! Also I bought a pressure cooker from QVC and that sat in the box for over a year and a half before I dug it out and started using it.

  4. This makes me giggle. This past year I bought myself two new tops to wear. AS of now, they're still on the hangers waiting to be worn. What the H___ am I waiting for????? Is this in our DNA our what?
