Friday, November 5, 2021


Just spent part of the afternoon on You Tube watching the free 2011 movie, "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel."  A most intriguing, entertaining and inspiring story I highly recommend watching to the very end.  It leaves me with words to live by and believe in.  Best part there's the 2015 "Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," but as of yet it's not free.  

You Tube has a wealth of movies to watch, past series, travel documentaries, and just about anything imaginable.  We each have our own Chromebook.  Come evening, we plug in our earphones and together spend the hours in our own separate world.  Who could've imagined such luxuries during our lifetime.  Heck, I remember what life was like without television.  Am ancient enough to remember what life was like before running water.  

Yup, a water pail with a dipper sat on the kitchen counter.  We filled the pail at the water pump outside the house.  Who could've imagined the day would come when we'd be buying bottles of water.  However, we save many dollars by refilling our water bottles.  Oh, they say we shouldn't do that, but what else would we expect the corporate crooks to tell their consumers.  Where we live the water is as good as it gets, and we conserve where we can.  Every bottle we refill is a dollar saved.  We've always got water along with us when we go for our trolleys.  

Sure is getting dark earlier.  Tomorrow night we turn our clocks back an hour.  The only way I remember which way the clock goes is by the saying, "Fall back, spring forward."