Funny how things eventually reveal themselves.
French spelling: Haricots verts (French pronunciation: Hairy-co-vare) |
Then it hit me. If you've watched the Food Channel show, Chopped, you'll remember hearing the chefs refer to green beans in French as what sounds like hairy-co-vare, Of course, that's it. The French spelling is haricots verts! I'll be darned, learned something before 10 a.m. today.
Am not a fan of canned green beans. The best green beans ever were the way my Mother made fresh from the garden. She creamed 'em with half-and-half. I do like the green bean casserole with mushroom soup and French fried onions.
Detective Poirot speaks French phrases alot in Agatha Christie's books. I keep my phone next to me so I can look up the French words. One phrase he says all the time to his partner Hastings is "mon ami" meaning "my friend."
Nothing on the radar, another day snuggling with the fuzzy one. Tomorrow is the boyfriend's birthday. We'll be celebrating at home with me preparing his favorite meal......scalloped potatoes and ham. I make the dish from scratch.....make a roux (roo) out of flour, butter and milk. Interestingly, the word "roux" is a classical French cooking term.
Might as well end today by saying goodbye in French.......Au revoir (oh ruh-vwah).