Fifty-six years ago on Thanksgiving Eve, Dale's brother Wayne was killed in an automobile accident. Today we've been talking about how we remember him as a young guy and not being able to picture him as a 79-year-old man.
Each of us has our own accumulation of holiday memories, some good, some not so good. Thank heaven that time heals our heartaches, but really never erases them. It's like having an illness and being in remission.
Spent a quiet day at home. We're planning to watch the Thanksgiving Parade on the telly in the morning. After this week's tragedy in WI, the word 'parade' sickens me. This is one of those times we question how Our Creator can let awful things happen to innocent people, especially little children. All of life seems beyond understanding. The nightly news sickens me. How society has changed in a mere fifty years is unimaginable. Guess that's why there's an off button on the remote. Of course, there are two remotes and two people.
Tomorrow at noon our Venny turkey dinners will be delivered to our door, per our request. Asked the social committee for extra dressing and gravy. Can't fathom what it must be like at the airports and the interstates with the millions of people traveling home to be with their families and friends. So much chaos simply to be together.
Am sending each of my faithful followers my loving wishes and prayers for a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. You give me a reason to fulfill my passion for writing. You have no idea the joy it brings me when I hear from you or you leave comments.Will close for tonight. Think I'll be dreaming about the dinner that awaits tomorrow. Will probably be mumbling "please pass the dressing" in my sleep!