Friday, November 19, 2021


 Another crazy day in the lives of D & T.............

As part of his pre-op for cataract surgery this next Monday, the boyfriend was tested for Covid at the drive-thru clinic.  After hearing what others said about the test, we expected a stick to be stuck up his nose and on into his cranial cavity.  What a bunch of holy baloney.  All I will say is this.......the world must be filled with pansy asses.  

I was driving.  The garbed nurse comes out, asks for name.  Jokingly, I said, "The little boy here needs a Covid test."  She goes back inside the clinic, comes back and says the appointment is for a man in his 70's.  To which we replied, yes, that's right.  She says, "But, you said little boy, so I thought there was a little boy in the back seat."  OMG, my frickin' crazy humor once again backfired.  Lord knows how many times I've been caught expressing humor in medical situations.  That's another whole story.  When will I ever learn.

It's only fair that I praise those in the medical field risking their health to take care of the health of others.  This nurse was standing out in the cold, administering tests.  When the test was completed, we made sure to thank her for her contribution to the betterment of humanity.  

After the pre-op and test, we went to Casey's for tenderloin sandwiches.  They're spectacular.  Went to a park for a winter picnic.  We always balance have-to's with want-to's.  

We were taken back to our working years this morning when the alarm went off.  OMG.  About blew my brain out the back of my head.  Appointment was at 9:05, but we needed our morning java fix, take showers, and go across town to the hospital.  

Now that that's over, the boyfriend is good to go, has to be at same-day surgery by 6:15 Monday morning.  So pleased to be early on the docket.  The admission nurse called this afternoon to say  I'll be able to go in the hospital with him, with mask.  Putting a mask on is no great shakes for me. After all, it covers up my aging face.  

Read this morning where Austria will be the first European country to invoke another mandated lockdown.  Italy, too, has spiking numbers.  Knowing that my dear dear high school friend lost his son to Covid.....well, that brings the pandemic right close and personal.  For my own sake, I must refrain from sharing my opinions about anything pertaining to the present-day human condition......heaven knows, don't want to lose any more friends/family because I just might have a brain of my own.

Nite nite.  Gettng to be time to start reading another book.  Finished one a bit ago.