Monday, November 22, 2021


 All went well with the cataract surgery.  Thanks for the good wishes.

Learned something interesting today.  Watched a YT video put out by a gal who lives off the grid.  She showed how to save onion skins, the outside crunchy parts.  She either makes tea out of them, or she soaks them overnight in water and then uses that water to water her plants.  The purple onions are preferred, although the yellow and white are fine.  Never ever thought of saving onion skins.  Guess they're filled with stuff that's beneficial to our good health.  Think I might give my Christmas Cactus a drink of onion skin water and see what happens.  Right now the cactus has buds.  She doesn't get anything but water,  so maybe this would give her a boost.  

Have a casserole in the oven.  Actually, it's a tater tot casserole without the tater tots.  Found a bag of frozen hash browns in the freezer, so substituted that for the tots.  Didn't have a bag of mixed vegetables, so used frozen green beans.  Didn't have cream of celery soup, so substituted cream of mushroom.  Thought the boyfriend needed a good supper.

Got an uplifting phone call this afternoon.  Cuddy is coming back to spend two nights with us starting tomorrow morning at 10.  Staying till Thursday.  That'll make my Thanksgiving complete.  Will give me a chance to show the little fuzz bucket just how thankful we are to have joint custody.

Would talk about stuff that's happening in our world, but, nah, not gonna.  The telly is filled with sensationalism, and we all have enough of that.  Prefer to keep upbeat and focused on happy side of existence.

In one of the books I'm reading, I wrote down a quote.....Don't think about what's going to happen next.  Those are profound words, cuz we have no control over the future whatsoever.  Thinking that way comes as easy as breathing, and I don't understand why that is.  Either we think about what has happened or we think about what will happen.  Both get us absolutely nowhere.