Friday, November 26, 2021


Something doesn't quite ring true with me that the day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday...the retailer's holiday.  Suppose my opinion reflects my old-fashioned way of thinking. 

Watched the Macy's Day Parade.  Lifted the spirits to see the celebration like other years.....some sort of semblance to what life was like before Covid.  The floats and the people in the parade were extraordinary in talent and beauty.  The Christmas floats were especially stunning, when the artificial snow fell.   

Thanksgiving dinner, delivered to our door, was delicious.  Here's a picture that shows my meal, except for the slice of pumpkin pie with a dollop of Cool Whip.  The cranberry-jello salad really hit the spot.  Had enough leftovers for supper.  Actually, we saved our pie till then.  

Cuddy snoozed and snuggled beside me and my blanko after dinner.  Got a text about 6 p.m. that he was going back home.  His leaving took the air out of my balloon, but there are December dates when he'll return to live with us.  

Football was on the telly, I played mahjong solitaire, read a book, and so we spent a quiet Thanksgiving.  We talked about how we used to feel sorry if our mothers were alone for a holiday.  They'd tell us not to feel that way, they were just fine.  Well, it took us to get older ourselves to realize that being alone isn't a bad thing at all.  After living and giving during an entire lifetime, there's nothing quite like solitude, no hustle or bustle, no expectations, no have-tos......just being able to sit back, take a deep breath, and be glad all the hooplah is behind us.  

I'm learning, too, that we tend to put our own feelings on other people.  We expect them to feel as we feel and do as we do.  That's not a good thing.  Each of us sees things from our own perspective, and sometimes when people think they're doing good for someone else, they're actually treading on what's not their bees-wax.  Am sure I've been guilty of that in the past.  Sometimes when we try to do good for others, we're actually interfering.  Wisdom comes with age.....for sure.

After eating the delicious pumpkin pie, my interest turned to Christmas movies on YT.  Don't watch the old movies, prefer the latest ones this year.  There are some really handsome actors, and that plays a big part in movies for me.  Am a sucker for handsome actors.  

Would imagine the stores are packed with people searching for bargains.  Can never understand how giving presents and receiving presents over the years has changed.  Most presents are returned because the recipient isn't satisfied.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have not appreciated a gift.  Again, that's the old-fashioned in me.  

Guess this officially kicks us into Christmas.  The local campground holiday displays are up and running.  A beautiful tribute to the holidays that provides that extra something to the community.  We always must remember to be grateful for what others do for the betterment of us all. 


  1. I have never shopped on Black Friday. Never felt the need to fight for sale items. Hate crowds and waiting in lines. I don't think I've ever sat through a whole Macy's Parade in all my years. I thought I was so prepared for the T. dinner and I was still standing in the kitchen most of the day. All that time and dinner is over in a few minutes. We did manage to say a prayer (found on the internet) and go around saying what we are thankful for. Weather was great for this time of year. Another thing to be thankful for.

  2. Alice.....your Thanksgiving dinner prayer time is what the day is all about.

  3. Did you remember to set the scale back 10 pounds?

  4. Doug and Bonnie.....the only time I get weighed is when I go to the doctor. Setting scales back 10 pounds is a heck of an idea.
