Tuesday, October 10, 2023


As Santa sez.....there are 76 sleeps left before Christmas!  Yup, ten weeks and we'll all be embroiled in the hectic season.  For us oldsters, we don't get sucked into the hoopla like the newbies.  Our sentiments remain with the days of having less and appreciating more.

Have been away for a while, watching life unfold and no longer being included in it.  That's the tough part of aging.  We lose our importance.  We're like colors that fade with time.  Two days ago, I ordered an eBay book, 'Acceptance of What Is:  A Book About Nothing' by Wayne Liquorman.  

My postings from now on will probably include my feelings about the later stage of life, mostly to warn those who are walking not so far behind me.  We're all free to choose coping mechanisms (I call them weapons) most suited to us.  My choice weapons are silly humor and good sense. Without them, my brain would resemble the hamster running on the circle to nowhere.  

We humans think we can author how our lives will turn out, how people should treat us, the whole shmeer.  How soon we learn that's not how life works.  We take what's appropriated to us.  When we have expectations, we ultimately have disappointments.  The two go hand in hand.

Tis a beautiful autumn day.  The boyfriend and I are cozy and content in our safe place.  As for the rest of the story.....well, it is what it is.