Tuesday, October 24, 2023

At 10 bells, or in 15 minutes, our doorbell will ring.  Today is a boys trolley day, and the boyfriend and his buddy down the hall are going for a spin, lunch and whatever it is that boys do when they're away from us girls.  When they leave, the plan is to shower, change into leggings and a sweatshirt, then cozy in working as a hooker!

Overcast sky, looks very Hallo-weeny.  One can easily conjure up disturbing thoughts about who might be in the neighborhood.  This time of year anything's possible.  

Today is announcement day!  Two more gnomes were found outside our unit door.  Come to find out it was Dale's cousin/sister who left them after she heard the story about Odin, our large gnome.  

They are absolutely adorable.  A couple days went by, and my brain churned thinking of names for these two boys.  I name everything, and the name has to perfectly fit whatever it is I'm christening.  So, let me introduce on the left:  Biscuit.  On the right is Shmo.  Yup, Biscuit and Shmo join Odin in our home of silliness.  

The G-clan has set a date for Christmas.  It's wise to schedule in advance, cuz then you're sure to toss out an unplanned day with all families.  We're blessed to be included.  

Well, the boys have left, and I'd best get busy.  I wished them well as they went out the door.  Told 'em not to do anything I wouldn't do.  I thought that was pretty generous of me, cuz at this stage I think I'd do anything that presented itself as a possibility!
