Second day in a row with rain. How blessed are we! Reports tell over an inch fell in our area. The wind took both of my wind spinners to the ground. Something is telling me to put them in storage until spring. The Black Hills in South Dakota saw their first snowfall yesterday, so the weather from now on will be iffy.
Read this morning's news that our Navy's largest warship, the USS Gerald Ford, has arrived in the Mediterranean to support Israel. The deployment of the "biggest, baddest warship" is meant as a deterrent against future attacks. Horrific happenings in our world, people.
The other book I bought on eBay, "Acceptance of What Is," will either be a humdinger or a fortune cookie. The first words of Chapter 2 read: Consciousness is all there is. Pretty profound. Makes sense. When we're conscious, the world exists for us. When we're unconscious, there's nothing for us. The book has Eastern influence, I can tell that already.
In preparation for tomorrow night's company, today I'll make the 7-layer salad, bake a carrot cake, mix and shape the ham ball meat into loaves. We like to prep ahead for when we are getting supper guests. Remember that's how Mom always did it. The more one does ahead, the easier the dinner day is for the hostess.
The boyfriend has to go out in this goopy weather to fetch the vittles. If it was me, I'd order online and go pick the groceries up and be home in a flash. But, he prefers to walk the aisles and pick out what he wants. That's okay, we each have our own ways of doing things. I'd rather take that extra time and put it to better use. For sure, the Covid lockdown redefined human connectedness. Staying home is now my favorite stay-cation. Spending content time together, at our age, is something we cling to with a death grip. The epidemic also showed the world just how much money can be saved by not flitting around like butterflies. Guess the two of us are like two peas in a pod, growing happily in the garden of life. We pray nobody picks us off the vine.
There's a pizza supper tonight here at Venny. We're gonna get take-outs this time rather than join the gang in the Great Room. Maybe it's the drizzly day that makes me want to huddle and cuddle down in my recliner.
Ta-ta till the morrow.