Saturday, October 14, 2023

 We're busy as bees getting ready for tonight's dinner guests....Cuddy's parents.  In yesterday's post I blabbed on and on about preparing foods ahead of time.  Well, that didn't happen.  We left everything for today.  Thankfully, most of the food is ready, and the table is set.  We need to shower and get the place tidied up before it's show time at 4:30 p.m.

Just received a text message from my beloved surgeon, who is now a professor at Harvard in Boston.  I wrote him a text asking if his family is okay in Lebanon, knowing that Israel is right next door.  His return message tells me that he is now with his family in Lebanon, close to the crisis area.  This just makes me sick, yet I know he is the type of person who would drop everything and put his family first.  He is a humanitarian, and he will live in my heart forever.   I'm hiking up my prayers for him and his family, all the people who are suffering in that part of the world.  More than anything, let us all pray for peace.  My mind cannot fathom the suffering and agony in the world at this moment.  Our everyday frets seem pathetic when compared to theirs.  

Please, Lord, comfort the suffering and give strength to those who care for them.