Sunday, October 15, 2023

We had a warm fuzzy evening with Cuddy's parents.  They're two of the nicest people one could hope to meet on one's journey through life.  The missing sweet little soul we shared has left a huge void in our four hearts.  Little guy is resting in his little bed, with his favorite little monkey toy, near the flower garden in the front yard of their home.  I needed to know this.

Today we are going to a celebration of life for who I refer to as my non-biological brother.  His ashes are being scattered on his home farm, the place he dearly loved.  Old-fashioned funerals are slowly changing to celebrations.  I'm 100% in favor of that, and have already made it clear that if I unexpectedly get on the bus, I want no church funeral.  Why cry over spilled milk.  I've always been a free thinker and always will be.  The herd mentality drives me slightly nuts, to be honest.  

Spending time with friends while we're alive is one of my favorite things.  Laughing and teasing and celebrating the good side of life is as good as it gets.  I guess I was born with more than one funny bone.  So much for that.

Temperature in the 40s, today's high is to be in the 50s.  Sweatshirt weather is finally here.  Dark gray clouds crawl across the sky, kinda spooky, actually.  Guess Nature is in sync with the approaching eeriness of Halloween.  Hide your brooms, people, cuz the witches might grab em and fly away!

Then we'll be looking at Thanksgiving, the most important holiday.  One of my favorite quotations is:  "Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never stop learning." ~Gza~  Am not sure if parents today are teaching their children the common courtesies of please and thank you.  For the fun of it, listen carefully for those words.  They're rarely spoken anymore.  Our generation knows that a simple 'thank you' means a lot.  Just like this morning......when I received a text from Cuddy's Mom thanking us for a fun evening.  Our human morals and courtesies are falling by the wayside, and unfortunately will change the human connectedness.  We must appreciate one another and let the other person know that.  Anyway, that's my personal feeling.  

There's a boxelder bug on our screen door.  It's staying in the same spot.  Isn't moving.  Hope the poor little thing isn't sick.  I remember lots of boxelder bugs this time of year at our first home.  

Best get a move on.  Ta-ta, take care and guard those brooms!