The new book mentioned in yesterday's post is going to be an informative and interesting read. What I love most about reading is learning new things. For example, there's a river in eastern Ontario, Canada, with the name of Raisin River. It was named 'Riviere aux Raisin' by the French-Canadian settlers because of the wild grapes growing along the river. Bits of knowledge, to me, are the little nuggets of fun we discover along our trek through life.
The new deck floor is wet along the edges, as there's a light rain and is very overcast and gloomy. We slept in until 9. A special someone is planning to visit us this afternoon, if the weather isn't too nasty. Safety always comes first.
Cuddy's mom and dad are coming over Saturday for sips and sup. My heart is happy that our friendship will go forward, even though Bubba is no longer with us. I envision him in Heaven with my Emma. It's that business of pointing the mind in a direction that eases the pain of loss. Our thoughts control us, but we can control our minds if we work hard enough. My reverence for self-help over the course of my adult life has given me an invisible doctorate degree in mind discipline. Oh, for sure, there are times when I flounder and flail, but my stubbornness always trumps my overactive brain.
The Venny newsletter is out early this October. Now my job is to think of a topic for my November column. This month's topic was Perspective. We're living in an age where personal perspectives are causing craters in relationships. It's a narrow mind that can't look at a subject from various points of view. Right and wrong is only one's perception.
Yesterday a sweet little elf left a tote outside our unit door. Inside were apples, potatoes and candy. Also four skeins of yarn that she's asked me to crochet into a throw. I'm pretty sure she'll leave the pattern and size up to me, but I did leave her a FB message just to be sure. This is the time of year when the thought of crocheting appeals to me. Pinterest is the website that I go to for photos of patterns, as well as the instructions. I like to make a pattern with some sort of texture in the design. Will see what's out there. Also want it to be a pattern that I can work on without having to concentrate. I remember crocheting large doilies, and each row was intricate and needed close attention. To me at this stage of life, that would go under the category "nah, I don't think so."
I found a recipe for an apple bread pudding I'm going to make for Saturday's supper. It's topped with a sauce made of 1 c. butter, 1 c. heavy cream, and 1 c. brown sugar, brought to a boil. When the cake is baked, the sauce is poured on the top. Butter pecan ice cream will be its crowning glory. The recipe calls for 1 cup of vanilla yogurt. I find that an alternative to vanilla yogurt is equal portion sour cream. Think I'll toss in a teaspoon of real vanilla we got as a gift from Mexico. This is the season for desserts like bread pudding, plus I know that Cuddy's daddy really likes it.
Best skidaddle. My cup needs refilling. Ta-ta for today.