Friday, October 20, 2023

Our northward trolley was fun.  The leaves were elegant, 'specially the crimsons and the golds.   Got our car serviced, spent time at Trader Joe's.  I bought myself an olive tree.  The Lord only knows if it will actually grow, but couldn't leave without one.  The label reads that it should produce actual olives in three years.  Am placing no bets, but will nurture it best I can, despite my lack of green thumbs.

News Alert!  Our Christmas Cactus Mabel is shooting forth buds.  When we first inherited the family jewel, she was in sad shape.  Goes to show what love and attention can do to perk up even a plant!  She lives now along with the other plants in the household in the main bedroom, on top of my hope chest, beneath the beaded curtains.  Mabel is flourishing, as are the two offshoots that are planted in separate planters beside her.   Maybe she's a Halloween Cactus....

My crochet project is underway.  I spent time thinking of a pattern and at the last moment chose the V-stitch.  The yarn is a bit bulky, in variegated earth-tones, and it's working up nicely.  Think I mentioned that the yarn was brought to me along with a request to crochet a throw.  I'm thrilled that the dear gal would want a homemade throw made by my hands.  There's something warm and fuzzy tucked in here somewhere.  Oh, let me say, she's a special someone.  The boyfriend calls her his sister, and that ain't no small deal, trust me.

The sun is shining.  We got a bit of rain the other day, and the Venny grounds are green.  We're only 11 days away from November.  Where has 2023 gone?  Whoever authored the saying "time flies" mustve been my age.  Neither of us looks forward to our birthdays anymore.  The faster time goes, the less time we have left as earthlings.  

Another way we watch time go is by the Friday day of the week.  Seems it's always Friday.  Last week was a Friday the 13th.  Even though I'm not superstitious like my momma, I watched every step and peeked around every corner.   No goblins encountered, and Saturday couldn't get here fast enough.

Anyone have their brooms stolen?  The ladies wearing tall peaked hats are gonna need transportation in the coming days.  I'd suggest putting them under lock and key.  Ours is parked beside the refrigerator.