Spent yesterday out on the deck with a gnome named Odin. Let me explain.
Awhile back I asked my brother-in-law if they'd care to sell the 3-foot tall gnome that I noticed stored in one of their farm sheds. About a week later, we opened our unit door to leave, and there stood the gnome. Bro-in-law had left him as a surprise for me. The paint was chipped off in lots of places, a thumb was broken off, and I knew I would work to make him look like new.
Here's the before picture of Odin....
A photo Dale took of me painting.....And, presenting Odin, the newly painted gnome........Odin is a major figure in Norse mythology. The story of Odin describes how he lost one of his eyes in order to gain divine wisdom. Since WISDOM is the quality of having knowledge and good judgment, I chose Odin to be his name.
I think Odin might be a trickster, or what some might call a naughty gnome. I say that because the Welcome sign he holds also has a back side that reads Go Away! I think that Odin and I are alike. When I first realized Dale was taking my picture, my naughty self couldn't help but do this......
Yup, there's a naughty streak in me. Don't know what I'd do without it.