We're up at 7 cuz we're taking a day trip, pointing the car toward the North Star. A glorious sunrise greeted us through the patio doors, and I hastened to capture it and pass it on to my followers just in case they don't get up in time.
Today includes a last-minute invitation to a wild rice soup luncheon. Haven't had wild rice soup in such a long time, so this will definitely be a treat for us. I can't eat wild rice without thinking of Native Americans and their culture. Years back, we bought a wooden boat that was used by them to collect the wild rice in Northern Minnesota. It was an impulsive "must-have" until we got it home. Then we wondered what the heck we were going to do with the flat green thing!
Frost on the roof tops. Another of October's announcements.
Yesterday I stayed in my jammies all day and savored every relaxing minute. Once in a while it's therapeutic to declare and celebrate jammie day. It's something that should be required of us retired worn-out souls. My mother wouldn't have dreamed of doing that, but, here's another example how every generation loosens the reins.
Better think about a shower and changing into leggings and sweatshirt, my favorite attire. Should be a perfect day for a trolley with the boyfriend. Ta-ta