Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Yesterday the postman delivered another book in the Voyageur Classic series.  This one is "The Letters and Journals of Simon Fraser 1806-1808,"  I ordered it on eBay as a used book in very good condition, and it's obviously never been read.  Am finding that each book in the series is on the pricey side.  This is book #3, ordered in no special order.

The print in this book is rather small for my eyes to read comfortably.  That's when I switch my prescription glasses to cheapy cheaters with 2.5 magnification.  Works well.

On that note, I went in for an annual eye exam.  Once again, my eyes are extremely dry.  Treatment suggested:  Systane eyedrops 4 x day and Systane eye ointment before bedtime.  

My exam was over when the doctor highly suggested I have both eyelids surgically lifted, as they're affecting my eyesight.  Of course, this is again one of Mother Nature's pranks on us more mature mortals.  That explained why I'd find myself lifting my eyelid up when I'm using the laptop.  So, yesterday Gundersen called to schedule a consultation, and the first appointment open is March 26th at 8 a.m.  Yikes!  The receptionist did put me on a cancellation list.  

First thing I did was research what this involved.  Yikes!  Cutting out the excess eyelid skin and stitching them back up.   Wish this could've been done over winter, but, hey, does it really matter?  Nah.  

Naturally, I googled the referral doctor and find he hails from Puerto Rico.  His rating reviews are 4.8 out of 5.  Time will tell.  Can't help but giggle a little, cuz this is another case of the human body's tendency to droop and sag.  My approach is to take each age-related malady as a blessing rather than harbor any kind of woe-is-me attitude.  When I leave this world, I wanna be able to say that all experiences were given so I'd get the full feel of being human.  Some people appear to be spared from as many surgeries as I've had, but each of my scars is a remnant of medical expertise.  I pray for our doctors and nurses every night, asking that special graces and blessings be given to them in their personal lives for all they do to better the human condition.

Best get crackin' and work my three daily NYT word puzzles.  Light frost on the rooftops this morning.  It's again the miracle of how our planet obeys the laws of the universe.  Ta-ta till the morrow.

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