Sunday, October 22, 2023

A gorgeous autumn Sunday.  We're thinking about taking an afternoon trolley.  Temperature is perfect, and the remaining colored leaves are asking to be looked at. 

Have been crocheting the throw I wrote about.  Yesterday morning I noticed a major problem when I took a measurement.  To make a long story short, I ripped three days of work, took a few deep breaths and started over.  Now things are looking much better.  

The other day Debbie sent home with us a decorative pumpkin.  Took a photo of the only decoration out on the deck.  

Thanks, Debbie!
One week until Halloween.  I keep a close watch for eerie little creatures that may be lurking nearby.  We literally live in Gnomeville, so any sighting is possible.  Tis the season for pranksters and scary ones flying the skies.  

Ta-ta till the morrow.

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