Wednesday, September 20, 2023

It's been an opportunity of a lifetime to have a swarm of handsome young guys working on the deck.  They're not only at the top end of handsome and well put together, but they are nice and fun to boot.  I take every pleasure out of life that I can, so I'm blaming their handsomeness for my recent absentia.  They're hard-workers, which helps restore my confidence in humanity.

We did go for a trolley one day, which took us to some out of the way places.  Managed to take a few photos.  The one I'll share today is probably my favorite.  We love secluded spots.

I slept in again this morning.  I see it's an overcast day.  We just can't seem to get any rain where we live.  The rivers are very low, and some streams have dried up.  Probably should research the Indian rain dance.  

Ta-ta till the morrow.  Our deck will be finished today!