My next special-day memory is a unique wooden silo....
As our golf cart passed by this silo, I looked closely to make sure what I was seeing was for real. Don't think I'd ever seen an old wooden silo before. Asked if we could stop close to it so I could get out of the cart and put my hands on the wood to be certain. Yuppers, it was wooden. For me, this was a first-time event, and I love those times I see something for the first time.It was in the 1880s that wooden tower silos were built. "The Signal of the Silo" is a poem written by Livingston Larned:
And whether made of concrete,
or stave, or iron, or tile,
Or woods of all creation,
from up Maine ways to the Nile,
Or whether concrete fellers
get the local upper hand,
God bless 'em--they're all silos,
for the better of the land.
A munch of tasty silage,
makes the dairy records grow;
Who gives a hand for feed bills
and a winter full of snow.
The herd is plump as butter--
and if folks have cause to thank,
It's because each farmer's silo
is a sort o' savings bank.