Thursday, September 21, 2023

 Here's another photo from our recent trolley.  The car was already past, so we shifted gears.

There's so much to see here....windmill, tree growing inside the windmill, rocky ground, driveway curving to the right, wooden fence post, worn iron gate, all topped by a magnificent blue sky.  I can't help but wonder about the stories this windmill could tell about the people who at one time lived here.  

It's a beautiful day where we live.  Our deck is pretty much completed and looks beautiful.  There's a little bit of painting left in the peak, but that'll be minimal.  Will be nice to put our outdoor furniture back and once again have our happy hour on deck.

Both of us have stuff we need to accomplish today.  My boyfriend asked for a haircut, so I'll pencil him in my schedule.  Yesterday I painted on the ceramic puppy and pretty much screwed him up, so today is re-do day.  That's one thing about painting with are simple.  

Finished the first of the Voyageur Classics about the beginnings of Canada.  We live so close, and I know virtually nothing about the country.  The first I read was Maria Chapdelaine, a tale of French Canada, originally written in French by Louis Hemon (1880-1913).  Learned a lot about the harsh life of those who originally cleared the forests to build their homes and work the land.  An interesting read, the first of the 36-book series.  It's my current big project.  My life needs a big project to tackle and complete.  It's probably the only part of me that is needy.

I'm ordering these books individually on eBay.  The series has a like cover on each book.  However, some books cost more than I prefer to pay.  I'm able to find the exact same book with a different cover, for a lot less.  The cover means nothing to me, so I'm having another layer of fun finding the best prices.  

The September newsletter is published, so now I must think of a topic for the October issue.  This month I wrote a page-article about my Mom's old-fashioned home health remedies that included bits of humor.  

Best get to my coffee and play my three daily word games on the NY Times website.  Then it's off to the household tasks that beckon.