Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Thank you, Robin, for sharing this bumblebee photo.......

In the last 20 years, the bumblebee population has dropped by 90%.  If this decline isn't stopped, ecosystems will suffer.  The states of Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wyoming have lost the bumblebee entirely.  

I remember when we were kids, there were bumblebees all over the place in the summertime.  Honestly, I cannot recall when I last saw one.  


  1. We get so excited when we see them! Robin

  2. Doug has let part of our backyard go wild for the bees. We see them gathering nectar from blossoms all day long during the summer months. Saw plenty this summer but not as many as in previous years. (Bar Code Bonnie)

  3. What a wonderful thing to do for the bees. You guys are so good to Nature's own. If I ever need a place to live, I'm heading for your backyard, cuz I know I'll get fed!
