Friday, September 15, 2023

Just watched the Judge read his verdict in the Henry Dinkins trial.  Having watched the entire trial on YT, listened to the testimony, watched the prosecution's case unfold, I prayed for a guilty verdict.  In Iowa, a bench trial requires the judge to write a report of his findings.  The judge does not have to read this report, but this judge decided to do so.  His report concluded with a guilty verdict of Murder in the 1st Degree and Kidnapping.  October 11th is the date set for sentencing.

Boyfriend got a call a few minutes ago.  One of Venniers needs a board cut to put in the bottom of a cart, so he's down in the workshop doing that for her.  The sky is overcast and has a dreary look.  Very much like fall is walking on center stage.  Am looking forward to getting out the #1 favorite attire.  There was a day when I donned tight-fitting clothes, but now that I'm as round as I am tall....well, I opt for the big and bulky.  It's one of the curses of aging.

For the past while, construction workers have been working on replacing decks and pillars at Venny.  Next week our new deck and two pillars should be finished, and we can then put our furniture back outside.  An old lady like me has enjoyed the young male bodies hovering around our unit.  Have taken photos of the construction for the newsletter editor to include in our next edition.

Spaghetti for supper tonight.  It's been a quiet, relaxed day.  Both of us watched a 45-minute documentary on one of the harshest prisons in the Philippines.  Last evening I watched a documentary that showed the harsh prisons in Singapore, but nothing compares to the awful one in the Philippines.  I'm including a link to the documentary if anyone cares to watch: