Monday, September 4, 2023


Debbie and I had so much fun taking pictures of this toad that's by the edge of the farm pond.  It was almost as if the little guy wanted to have his picture taken. 

Here's a cute little ditty written by J. Patrick Lewis:

Frog and Toad

The look-alike of frog is toad;

They have a similar dress code.

But I should call to your attention

Some differences I thought I'd mention.

A bunch of frogs is called an army;

A batch of toads is called a knot.

A frog leap-frogs over a swamp log;

A toad does not do diddly-squat.

A frog has skin that's smooth or slimy;

A toad has skin that's warty and dry.

A frog enjoys kissing a princess;

A toad prefers kissing a fly.