Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Thunderstorm, with heavy rain, hail and high wind, passed through here last evening.  Both of us love the sound of thunder.  When the worst was over, we opened the patio door.  The temperature had cooled down and felt good.   

Boyfriend's heading to WM.  Started reading Iron Lake, which am finding difficult to put down.  This is the first of the Cork O'Connor series.

Have an eBay bid on the two volumes of Montaigne's Essays (the 1500's philosopher) published in 1946, the year I was born.  Two days left for open bids, so would be surprised if I'd actually get them for $11 including postage.  What a deal that'd be.  Before we moved, I had a book of Montaigne's quotations, but can't find the book anywhere.  So many things were disposed of during the move and have no idea why I parted with them.  I do remember the flurry of having to go through two lifetimes of possessions and taking minimal on with us to our new late-life digs. 

Awhile back I shared my ambition for giving our bedroom a good spring cleaning, closet and all.  Well, my doctorate in procrastination is to blame for the task still looming over my head.  Do you suppose I can muster the ambition to get started?  One minute I think I'm going to get rid of the clothes I don't wear or that no longer fit me.  Then I think maybe I oughta keep 'em cuz of the economic situation and world's glum prognosis.  The almighty dollar is shrinking fast.  When we were kids, there were dime stores.  Last year we still had dollar stores.  Within the last few months they've gone on to $1.25 stores.  

Despise shopping, especially clothes.  The stuff I do buy is online.  Have enough good shoes to last my lifetime.  I graciously inherited several really cool pairs from my Venny friend who wore the same size.  

Cuddy the Cuddly Bug
Don't have an ounce of pizazz today.  Sometimes I feel that my blog is my confessional, where I go to admit my shortcomings.  Then, I remind myself that I'm old enough to do whatever I darned well please.  Having the cuddly one here, who would want to do anything beside cuddle and snuggle with him.  

A few weeks ago I planted a couple Christmas Cactus segments, and now have two new plants growing.  Asked the boyfriend to bring me some potting soil from the workshop so I can start a few more in a Cool Whip container.  It's nutty, I know, but it's hard for me to part with living things. 

Guess am rambling.  Worked the Wordle puzzle in the NYT, and the word GAWKY bested me.  Drat.  That's the third time that's happened.