Slept in till after 9. After getting the coffee maker set and dripping, got on the laptop, checked messages on Facebook, and happened upon a for-sale listing of an 8-stack of Rubbermaid drawers for $15. Quickly checked with the boyfriend, and after his affirmative nod, I messaged asking if the item was still available. Long story short, we'll be going for a trolley to pick them up this afternoon.
This is exactly what I needed to jump-start my organizing and re-situating stuff in our bedroom and downstairs storage bin. Hopefully they'll go in our closet, where I can organize crafts, fabrics, clothes and other stuff. This project has been looming over my noggin and now I'm fired to get started. Will bring the Rubbermaid storage drawers home, give them a good scrub in the shower, put them out on the deck to dry, and then will be off to the races in a cleaning-sorting-organizing frenzy.
Forecast is for rain this afternoon, but we'll be venturing out anyway. With Cuddy being here, I tended to stay put.....definitely today needing to get in the car and mosey around rural areas.
Bought a new kind of cereal, great grains with raisins, dates and pecans. Talk about a yummy morning treat. This is my new go-to breakfast. Am trying to steer myself away from eating white bread and more with the healthier grains. Even bought whole-wheat English 'em toasted.