Saturday, June 11, 2022


 Am back after a couple of days blogcation.  Have been close to insanity working on the kawandi project.  Day before yesterday was dreadful.  Even broke a needle trying to pull it through layers of velvet with craft pliers.  When that happened, the whole shebang was folded and put on the floor beside my recliner.  My intent was to finish, but had to call a truce with myself.  

Yesterday picked up where left off, found a new needle and started stitching.  About mid-afternoon the persistence paid off when I inserted the needle for the final time.  Yes, the kawandi is finished, all except the traditional four corner triangles that are the signature of a true kawandi quilt.

Photos of this project will be forthcoming.  Don't want to make a big TA-DA moment without it being completely finished.  Have to admit to being quite pleased, considering velvet is the last fabric on earth with which to make one.  Only because of the stash of velvet left over from the crazy quilt I made a couple of years ago did I choose it.  Always trying to utilize what I have, rather than continue to accumulate more of new.  

Overcast day.  Have lots to do today, so will be busy.  Just realized I screwed up on our online grocery order which we picked up yesterday.  I ordered 10 of one thing, but I thought I was ordering 10 pounds, but it was actually sold by item.  Drat.  Think the boyfriend could saw my head off, cuz now an unnecessary trip downtown is necessary.  Seems no matter what I do anymore, I'm learning to screw things up more than do them correctly.  Am going to use my age as my excuse for everything from now on.  Thank heaven a person has something to blame for our inadequacies.  

Watched movies last couple of evenings.  Always enjoy spending a couple of hours on the wings of fiction, caught up in the clouds of romance.  Have taken a break from mysteries for time being.  With the way the world is right now, my way of escaping is through reading, writing, designing and creating, anything that requires my mind's total attention.  No sense in continuously walking through the pathetic puddles of politics.  Now I understand why my gramma always used to tell me to keep myself busy no matter what.  


  1. Am so glad your Kawandi project is coming to an end. I forgot to sew in the "phulas" as well. Now I have to take the corners apart or maybe just sew them from the backside.
    Are you watching "Alone" on Thursday evenings? Participants have started erecting their shelters. Different ideas. It will be interesting to see final designs. Some have lost more weight than the number of days they have been in their locations.
    School is finally over for my older daughter. She'll be teaching 2nd Grade in the fall.
    Awards Ceremony & Induction into the NYS Mathematics Honor Society for our local granddaughter. She ended up her year with the highest average in the Sophomore Class. She was highest in her Freshman year, also, and that she did all remotely.

  2. I sewed the phulas on the backside. Thought they'd look goofy, but they do stamp the piece with another cultural influence. Sent you a FB message w/photo.

    Your granddaughter's mathematics honor is something to salute so far as I'm concerned. Math was the most difficult for this girl. That side of my brain does not like to be bothered, I guess. Am really seeing remote learning as a real plus. Don't know if I could send my babies to school as it is today. Lord knows, it's tough for the younger generations.

    Not watching Alone, but I did see a snippet on You Tube, and it definitely is a show that I'd love. We turn off the TV in the evenings and are both on our laptops.
