The monkey got us out of our sweet slumber this morning at 5:30. Way earlier than was our intent. The boys went outside for the necessary walk and checked on the garden while out there. Now both of them are napping, and my eyelids are drooping as I type.
Looks to be a beautiful Saturday. Slight breeze has the tree leaves doing a slow dance. There's a motorcycle in the parking lot out front. Would be a nice day for a bike ride, not that I'm a biker.
* * * * *
Couple hours later. Was sleepy, so took Cuddy back to bed with me. Boy, did we snuggle and snooze. Felt good. Am back to life now, and he's out on the deck soaking in some Vitamin D.
Going to a birthday party later on. Will be gorgeous weather for a trolley. With the price of petro, the number of our trolleys has lessened. Just the principal of the whole thing.....if it's not necessary, then we don't do it. That's how we think. Our $$$ fit best in our wallets.
Am finishing up loose ends with all the things started. Only one book left to finish, The Overstory. It's not the type of book one can read two other ones simultaneously like I've been doing. The story line moves back and forth from one character's story to another, and my brain is finding it difficult to follow. It's to the point where I should maybe start the book all over and read it in one fell swoop. The book is so highly regarded among critics, that it's got me a bit wrinkled.
May this June Saturday find you well and enjoying peace of mind.....two of humanity's greatest wealths.