Thursday, June 23, 2022

Already Thursday, the weeks go too fast.  Have been in absentia last couple of days.  Oh dear, I find myself typing words like 'absentia' cuz it's part of my legalese vocabulary, Latin for 'in the absence of.'   Funny how our minds cling to things, cuz often I find myself saying the Latin Sign of the Cross and parts of the Latin Mass which was discontinued many years ago.  The brain fascinates me more and more the older I get.

Finished reading "Educated" (by Tara Westover) loaned to me by my friend.  What a wonderful read, a memoir.  Enjoy reading the lives others have lived and endured.  Endure is a good word for parts of our lives.  Those times that are terribly difficult to bear, but we simply endure them until time pushes the pain into a more distant part of the heart.  We all have those times, sooner or later.  

Have been alerted to an author I've not read before....William Kent Krueger---some of his books are in the Venny Library.  He writes a series that takes place in Northern Minnesota, the main character is Cork O'Connor.  Have a couple more books to devour before I stick my nose in the pages of his acclaimed writing.  i gleaned quite a few quotations from "Educated" to include in my quotation collection.  Powerful words that other minds pass on to their readers.  Words that are meaningful and have the power to enter our minds and change our thoughts, wash away antiquated thinking, and gain fresh perspective.  Guess that's why I love to read like I do.....constantly trying to channel my thoughts in positive, uplifting directions.  

Texted Cuddy's parents in Norway last night.  First time a text was sent from my phone across the Atlantic Ocean, and received.  Isn't technology incredible!  The number and extent of the world's advancements during the last 75 years is nothing less than mind-boggling.  My pen pal and I message back and forth most days, remembering well the impatient wait between our hand-written letters fifty years ago.  

The cornfield out front is a lush green, matching the lawn and the leaves on the birch tree out front.  Cuddy is out on the deck soaking up morning sunshine.  Little guy loves going out and coming in, going out and coming in.  We tend to his wishes like we are his servants.  That's what loving a pet entails.  Often I think that he means as much to me as if he was mine.  In a way he is and always will be.  He needs a haircut, but actually is the cutest when he's like he is.  Fluffy and cuddly.  Think it's ironic that only an "l" differentiates Cuddy and Cuddly.

Gonna be another warm one.  Have a list of things to do, but my ability to procrastinate is bettering itself every day.  Have managed to go from a Type A behavior to a Type W......not quite to Z yet, but working on it.  Just simply prefer to do the things I want to do, rather than what I ought to do.  It's a fun exercise to listen to others and count the times they talk of the things they "should" be doing.  It's hilarious.  There's a mischief that lives inside me that figures if I die and it's not done, will I care?