Saturday, June 25, 2022

Another glorious rainy day, the kind where table lamps need to be turned on, with a backdrop of thunder in the distance.  Add to that a cuddly fuzz bucket, and that's my perfect day!

Was sitting here this morning when I noticed a fawn run across the lawn in front of our unit.  First fawn sighting of the season.  

Spent yesterday immersed in YT movies.  Couldn't help but giggle inside when I thought back to the days of paying to sit in a theater and watch a movie.  To be able to watch one on my Chromebook in my retirement recliner is kinda like the prelude to Heaven.

There's a stillness outside, our patio door is open so fresh air can come in through the screen.  Kind of ironic for it to be this quiet when the country is in such turmoil.  Goes to show that one can find respite from the madness.  The older the person gets, the more peace one wants.  It's kinda like we have new eyes that really can see all the craziness in the human population.  Bet we're the only species that can cause and suffer from our own behaviors.  

Don't have a project started, and that has me just about nuts.  Must find something to do today.  Am not able to sit and do nothing.  If I'm not creating or learning, then everything feels lopsided.  

Not a whole lot to write about.  Will simply close with a wish for my readers that this day be spent without disruption from noise and commotion.


  1. The Mr. and I are going over to a BBQ later today. A celebration. Step-son's birthday was the 21st. Daughter-in-law's was yesterday and they wed 15 years ago on the 22nd, right btween their birthdays. Jerked pork steak, salads, cake are on the menu. Mmm!
    Beautiful sunny day here. Temp is 88, second warmest we've had in 2022.
    Tomorrow or Monday I'm starting a new quilt, all in fruits and veggies. Fabric arrived this morning while I was still sleeping. Nice surprise! The foods look so refreshing and tasty.

  2. Party's menu has me drooling all these miles away! Hope it was fun and all had a good time.

    Hey, girl, am proud of you for venturing on to your second Kawandi. Keep me posted. Think the second one won't be as unruly as the first, don'tcha think?
