The kitchen awaits my presence. Family coming over for supper, so the food needs to be prepared, house cleaned, me showered and presentable. There's a low thick fog hanging over us, the kind that makes our joints hurt. The minute I walked into the kitchen, I knew the weather was tilting the barometer.
We love having guests over. Always enjoyed entertaining, preparing food for those who join our table. Uncle Dale is known for the feasts he prepared all the years for nieces who came to visit. The nephews lived more miles away, so they didn't drop in like my side of the family. Both of us inherited from our mothers the showing of love through food.
Sounds like the temperature is going to rise and get hotter this week, up into the 90s. That's the weather where I hunker indoors where the air-conditioning keeps me cool. One thing, the heat will make the field corn grow like weeds. Just what it needs.
Nothing new on my end of the stick. Spent yesterday finishing my kawandi quilt and making a birthday gift for tonight's guests. Both my niece and her husband's birth dates are three days apart, one on the 11th and the other on the 14th.
Best get to it. Stay safe.