Someone please tell me how it's possible to write a daily posting without screaming about the insanity that's taken over our country. People running rampant in the streets, drive-by shootings and gasoline now close to $10 a gallon. Makes me want to crawl in a hole and stay there.
Got a message yesterday asking if we'd like to get Cuddy for a couple of days. His mommy and daddy unexpectedly had to go out of town, so my little boy is back.
Took a couple photos on our trolley when we went to pick up the Rubbermaid stackable drawers. We drove in the guy's farm yard, he came out of the house carrying the drawers, he put them in the back of our car, we handed him $15 and off we went. Now, how cool is that for a shopping adventure! Best part was, he raises goats, so we got to see some really long-haired shaggy ones. I should've been a shepherd, cuz luv sheep and goats.
Along my way, have learned to love the beauty found in the broken. That's why I'm one to put new life into things others get rid of. Just like my Rubbermaid drawers....could've easily gone to Walmart and bought new, but what fun would there be in that?
Nature is a treasure trove of photo ops, and this one I took as we drove through a rural campground.