Guess I officially qualify for the out-of-the-loop group!
Was playing Lexigo on USA Today, and the question was 'what Dating App starts with a T.' Well, I had nary a clue so looked it up. The answer was Tinder. Never heard of it. The only dating app I'd heard of was Eharmony. This tells me I'm definitely out of the loop.....then again, why would I be familiar with a dating app?
I find that Tinder is touted as the world's most popular dating app, the ideal place to meet new people. Sure is a world apart from our dating days. Back in the Stone Age, we met our significant others in person. Personally, at my age now, my heart is very guarded. I learned along the way that life is a hotbed for deception.
Trust is a virtue that has changed for me over the decades. When we were growing up, the clergy and our parents insisted that we trust others. So, we did, to our detriment. The realities of life gradually opened up, and we learned the hard way. Once we're introduced to the unbearable pain of betrayal, our ability to trust goes away forever. Today, children, from little on are taught to trust no one.
Social media is great, and I'm a participant to a point. Always lurking in the bushes are online scammers, telephone scammers, people trying to derail us and obtain control over our money and personal identification. We are wise to exhibit caution in all transactions. For me, the thought of sharing myself on a dating app would scare the bejeezus out of me. Couldn't and wouldn't happen. Just too many expert con artists out there. Social media is another hotbed for deception.
All levels of humanity are tainted with dishonesty and deceit. Despite the fact that the virtue of trust has been taken from me, I try my hardest to be a trustworthy person to others. One of my timeless pillars is confidentiality. Spending 44 years in a career that required the strictest of confidentiality, I consider myself a tomb. Nothing drives me more crazy than gossip and the spreading of untruths about others. There are buffets of gossip out there if one cares to partake. If I can't say something in front of the victim of useless speculation, then I will never say it to anyone else. Trust requires sincerity and reliability. Two precious commodities in the human circle.
Talk about online dating......reminds me of a funny thing that happened back when we lived in a single-family dwelling. The house across the street was a rental property, and one morning we noticed a U-Haul trailer parked on the street. It was late in the fall, and leaves were on the ground. A little boy was on our property kicking leaves. In a small town, we knew every child and this one we did not. The boyfriend moseyed over to him and started a conversation. The little boy told him that his mom has a new boyfriend from Alaska. To keep the conversation going, the boyfriend asked the boy how she met this guy from Alaska. Quick as a wink, the kid spouted out, well, on, where else? I never bothered to verify this website cuz I really didn't care to know more. Their rental arrangement was short-lived.
Being left out of the loop is one of life's toughest things to accept. The older we get the closer to the edge we become, and one day we simply slip outside the rim. When that happens, we know we can no longer relate or interact like we did when we were young. One has to have a lot more birthdays to really know what this feels like. It's kinda like when we were kids and softball teams were being chosen. We stood there silently praying the Hail Mary waiting to be the next one picked, and we weren't. Growing old feels like being the last name called out......the pity pick.
Our world has drastically changed in the last fifty years. We baby-boomers have the power to put our feelings out there, so those following us know what to expect. Never could I have imagined life buzzing by this fast. Birthdays now fill me with fright. Migod, I look in the mirror and beg to know where I went? When Our Creator fashioned us, He made it so our internal self and our external self would be total opposites. In old age, our exteriors show the number of years lived, and our internal selves have stayed little kids. Every senior person is a child inside with the same feelings, same hurts, same perceptions, same everything. Life is one helluva teacher. Life never holds back its whip and its many-faceted disciplinary weaponry. Life will batter and beat us up and leave us for dead. I'm not one to use social media to sugar-coat life. It's best to say it like it is.Aging has been likened to climbing a mountain. The closer to the top we get, the more out of breath we become......But, the view from the top is so much better.