Sunday, June 16, 2024


Our 4-pound house guest must have an alarm clock tucked inside of her.  Yesterday morning her velvety tongue was licking my face at 5:30 and this morning at 5:15.  We don't mind, cuz we know she's telling us it's time to go for her morning necessary walk.  Tis another rainy day here, a perfect day to cozy in.

Read online that the U.S. is under extreme heat advisory for this coming week.  I pray everyone gives special attention to their pets.  If life is hard for us, it's even more so for them.

Today I share this picture taken a few minutes ago.  These are the precious posies given to me last night by our special friends.  Freshly picked from their garden, aren't they beautiful?  To me, there's no color more beautiful than purple......
