Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Looks can be deceiving.  Through the patio doors, we see the trees and plants waving their limbs in the nice breeze.  But, open those patio doors, and it's like an oven out there.....a mighty humid oven.  My weather app reads 83 percent humidity.

Me and the heat do not get along anymore.  There was the day when I worshiped the sun and would lay out mid-day and bake myself like a clam.  How vane we are when we're young.  My skin tone tanned easily, so all I wanted was to be as dark as I could get.   One might say that my heart changed its affections.  I dumped the heat for the cool.

We baby boomers can compare our childhoods with today, regarding the hot weather.  Back then, we had no air-conditioners.  One oscillating fan was moved from one spot to another around the house.  Nighttime was horrible.  One would sweat until the bed sheets were miserably damp.  Open windows would only let the heat inside.  Close the windows and suffocate.  Life today is luxurious in comparison.  Central air in our home, air-conditioning in the car.  There's a tendency for us to look to the 1950s and say those were the good old days, but in reality, they weren't that great.  Sadly, there are people today who live without the creature comforts we're blessed to have.  A quiet prayer for those dear souls is warranted by the rest of us.


  1. Oh do I remember those days… and the nights when sleeping was impossible! Sorry, but I am sitting here in a heavy sweatshirt…we actually turned the heat on yesterday…but by the end of the week we are suppose to have temps in the 80s. Maxine is hilarious!!!…M

    1. We are all different for sure. Just as long as we're comfy, that's all that matters!

  2. I guess we are still in the '50's mode We don't have central air nor do we wish it. We have two box fans, one up and one down. I'm cold all the time; I'm wearing sweats. We are 93 here today. I'm enjoying it.

    1. Yesterday it was near 90 here, this morning at 65. Overcast and looks like rain. Stay warm and I'll stay cool, how's that???
