A few blogs back I mentioned the company that printed my blogs went out of business. This caused me angst. True to the old saying when one door closes another opens.....I found another new company that prints blogs. Two volumes of Prisms and Polka Dots arrived in yesterday's mail, and I'm over the moon happy with them. Yup, they're even better than the prior ones, but not saying they weren't over the top nice. Here's a photo of the two volumes. To my surprise, the photos on each book cover are actual pictures of mine from inside that book. How cool is that! I'd have been sick if all that writing wouldn't have been immortalized for all classic libraries in the world!!!!! (this is where everyone giggles)
I'm sending thank-you to Tall Cottage for suggesting photos of Athena (olive tree) and herb garden. Stay tuned for that this week. Love it when my readers offer suggestions. As I've mentioned before, blogging is a lonely endeavor. Comments are welcomed and appreciated so much. I understand, tho, that many don't care to put themselves out there, and that's okay. My purpose is to have an arena to write, which is my passion and has been all my adult years. Again, I count the internet a blessing in my endless gratitude list. Without it, what on earth would I have done with all the thoughts that now live within the printed books?
The boyfriend goes out and checks our garden most every day. Yesterday our parking space in the underground garage upgraded to a spot closer to the elevator we use. When a spot becomes available, seniority ranks highest. So, we were up for this spot and put in for it. It's the same with storage space. When a space becomes available (different sizes) seniority is the trump card. We wanted one that just became available, but another couple moved in before us by a year. The process is very fair. Actually, we talked yesterday and will maybe take a day and do another purge so the one we are in now would be totally fine.
The older we get, and the more time passes since we left our home of 50 years, the business of tossing stuff gets easier. I figure if nobody wants my stuff, why not fling it myself instead of the thought of someone else doing it like it's a burden to them. All the things we cling to along the way......and the time comes when we must let go of absolutely everything and everyone that has grown attached to our hearts. This is the part of life that will baffle me until I leave this valley of tears. What's the point? If there's a finale to all this and then the lights simply go out and it's over......well, then we've been horribly misled and rightfully confused.
Gotta rein in my thoughts here, I find myself thinking and typing like a crazy woman. Gotta get to living my day. Temperature is 64 and there's a chance of light rain. The boyfriend mentioned yesterday that he needs to run some errands, so I'll place one of my own grocery lists at Fareway. We'll choose a pick-up time and that way he doesn't have to gather the groceries. I'm the one here that likes the new-fangled conveniences offered at no cost. Heck, why not. If they do a good job and send home the stuff I ordered, then it's ideal. Plus, it keeps me up on the latest use of the store apps.
Stay between the lines, and will be back on the morrow. Ta-ta.