Monday, June 24, 2024

Am up early, 5 a.m.  Am going over today's to-do list.

The sunrise is elegant.  It started out with a pink horizon and bloomed into an ocean of pink, blue and white clouds.  The plants, grass and trees are lush green after the rainfall.  Today's high is predicted at 86 degrees.  Right now, it's 63 degrees.

It's time again for me to decide on a newsletter topic.  I was recently asked a question about Gen X, and in all honesty know very little about the generational labels.  That was an AHA moment, maybe a good topic to research and write about.  I'm sure I'm not the only senior citizen who doesn't know the generational definitions and attributes.  About midnight I did some preliminary research and found some interesting stuff.  

Yesterday was a sports day for the boyfriend.  It was the first time we'd seen protesters from a climate activist group disrupt a golf tournament by throwing smoke bombs that left red and white residue on the 18th green.  As stated in AP, "Extinction Rebellion, an activist group with a history of disrupting events around the world, claimed responsibility for the protest.  In a statement emailed to The Associated Press, the group blamed climate change for an electrical storm that injured two people at a home near the course on Saturday."

I'm not a sports enthusiast, but do enjoy watching an occasional golf tournament, basketball or baseball game on the telly.  But, the last thing anyone needs is that moment when something really strange happens and there's a brief uncertainty about what's gonna happen next.  Everyone's first thought, sadly, is some random act of terrorism.

Tomorrow I won't be writing but will be back on Wednesday.  Ta-ta till then.