Was asked to share pictures of the boyfriend's Venny garden, so today is the day. He kindly took photos yesterday so I could share them with my followers. We have a flower/garden committee, with a master gardener as the chairman. She is a widowed farm lady. There are 18 garden plots plus communal plots. The private plots are marked with blue flags, the communal plots with yellow flags. This means that anyone can help themselves to the areas marked with yellow.
The boyfriend worked hard building the wooden raised beds for the garden. He's the chair of the workshop. In a place like Venny, it's interesting to see what each person or couple brings to the family of friends. Dale is head of the workshop, and I write an article for the monthly newsletter plus type and design flyers for various events here. There are others who plan and host activities and special pot-lucks. Others care for the flower gardens scattered on the grounds. There are no expectations, only the opportunity to pitch in. We are a family.
This was taken from outside the fence to show the beautiful peonies that are blossoming. The 8' fence is to keep the deer out. We have deer wandering around the grounds all the time. One year a baby fawn was found snuggled among these peony bushes. Her mama put her there for safety.