Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Another glorious June day, following a .6 inch of rain last evening.  Our storm alert radio relayed the message of a severe thunderstorm approaching our area, but, thankfully we were spared other than the rainfall.  We'll always take the rain, with folded hands.

There's a racket of big machinery working in the condo development next to Venny.  Two more double-wide condos will be added this summer to complete the project.  The boyfriend enjoys watching the process from excavation to roofing.  It's a guy thing.

It's time for the showcase in the Fireside Room to be changed.  This last display was the teapots.  This time the gals will feature Norwegian baking and cooking items.  The boyfriend will add the chip-carved butter mold that he made some years ago.  Wooden butter molds were used in private kitchens and on farms for centuries.  They were used to shape and decorate butter before it hardened.  Butter molds were often hand-carved like this one.  The designs on the molds varied by region and farm and included geometric shapes or other common objects.

 Am following an Iranian YT video every day, they're like soap operas.  Best get busy and see what today's hour-long episode holds in store.  An Iranian lady has disappeared, leaving behind her two little children.  There's a culprit involved, but the question is who is it and why would he/she have kidnapped this lady.  These videos are supposed to be a way for the nomads to earn money.  They allow photographers to video their lives, but it's getting to where they're obviously being staged.  There are some that I was following and have since stopped.  

Got myself involved in a YT trial that took place a couple of years ago in Tennessee.  Yesterday's opening statements set out the plaintiff's case, followed by the defendant's claims.  The attorneys and their ways of representation interest me the most.  There was a time when I thought I could've been a defense attorney, but not so anymore.  That takes a personality and approach that just wouldn't be me.  It would be more intriguing to investigate and formulate a case based on DNA, witness testimony, and circumstances.  Like all other professionals, there are good attorneys and there are not-so-good attorneys.  All I know, if I need one.....I'll take the most aggressive and fearless one I could find.  Everything always depends which side of the fence one is on.  

Until the morrow.....ta-ta.