My Tao thoughts the last couple of days lend thought to two questions: What have I done for the world? and What am I leaving behind me? These questions are stepping stones toward self-reflection, looking back and praising oneself for accomplishments, achievements and the million purported acts of goodness. Many times our intentions and actions either go unnoticed or unappreciated. That's okay. All that matters is how we ourselves feel. There are some who could get a billion dollars, but they'd still complain about the envelope it came in.
Guess tonight's chef choice is baked fish with butter. We have leftover Asian coleslaw and will put together a potato side dish of some sort. Lent seems to be the time to eat fish, even though this carryover has little weight in my spiritual life. I never could understand why eating fish on Friday was supposed to be a penance. Growing up, nothing was more delicious than a meal of fried fish. More confusion, more unanswered questions.
It's a sunny day, a bit cold, I'm told. Was informed that our Venny newsletter editor will be going on a trip to New Mexico and Texas and will need articles submitted by March 12th. As of now, can't think of a topic, so gotta get my thinking cap on.
Nothing else newsworthy on my end. Once again, it's Friday. The weeks have skis, always on a downhill flight. The morning sun has the sun catchers, in all their colors, glittering. The fuzzy one is affectionately licking my left foot, the boyfriend is refilling our cups, and life keeps marching on.
Ta-ta till the morrow.