The book about Resilience arrived yesterday, and it's gonna be a doozy. It's the type of book where I am continually writing down sentences that I want to save for future referral. Quotations are my way of getting back on track when life shoves me off my path. Generations before us left us a legacy of the wisdom they acquired through the hard knocks they had to endure. They wrote them down for us, the books are on shelves just waiting for us to help ourselves to their tasty morsels.
Tis a chilly willy day where I live. Warmer days are supposedly close by. Sounds like the groundhog predicts six more weeks of winter. Yippee skippee!
The other day I mentioned watching YT mukbang videos.
A mukbang is a video dedicated to eating in front of a camera. The video style originated in 2010 in South Korea, becoming a trend of someone filming themselves preparing and/or eating a meal, and it's become widely popular across all audiences.
My favorite mukbang YT channel is: I've watched a lot of their videos and feel like I know them personally. They have a little boy who is on some of their videos, and he's cute and fun. One video is a Q & A where they tell about themselves. It's a hoot watching how much food they put into their mouths. Different cultures show us that there is no one way to do anything in life. It's just that we need to be more open and accepting. Maybe that's why I enjoy these videos, cuz they show a different lifestyle and afford me entertainment at the same time. The gypsy in me loves things outside the box.The word mukbang comes from the combination of the Korean word muk-ja, which means 'to eat,' and bang-song, 'to broadcast.' (Pronounced mook-bang)
The boyfriend is busy in the kitchen grinding pork. He buys pork shoulder butts on sale, brings home, cuts up, grinds, packages so we have ground pork in the freezer. He loves doing this, cuz his meat-cutter skills itch to perform. He has his own electric grinder that nicely sits on top of our counter.
Tonight we're having my famous potato soup that the boyfriend asked me to make. We have leftover ham in the fridge and a few potatoes that need to be used. What's better than a batch of homemade soup on a cold February night.